One Crazy Fucking Train

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So for those still hopeful with the romance, Neopolitan has entered the race. After thinking last night, I thought of a cool way to add her to the story. So yeah. We'll see how long it takes to get to volume four.

Hey . . . this is almost at 100K reads. Hot shit.


It was night now, the planet's unnaturally large, shattered moon sat above. The pilot found himself on the edge of a crumbling building yet again, gradually calming down. Wanting a legitimate breath of fresh air, for the first time in a while, he reached up and placed his hands on the sides of his helmet before smoothly slipping it off. (Y/N) looked up at the stars wishing dearly he was still with the rest of the Militia, fighting the IMC in the war on the Frontier. His war. He sighed, placing the helmet on his right.

"What do you think, Mom?" He asked the sky. "Ozpin probably thinks this is a learning experience. Probably laughs his ass off about it too . . ." He muttered. "I still prefer him to Dad though. Ozpin seems at the very least to care about what happens to me. Don't worry. I'll come back one day, and give that prick exactly what he deserves."

(Y/N) stood up, balancing on the half-foot wide slab of concrete he once sat on as the breeze caressed his face. His thoughts were quickly interrupted, however, when the buzzing of the scroll in his pocket. He took the device into his hands and opened it to see the caller ID of Yang. Wonderful, he thought, before answering.

"Blondy if this is about Ruby I don't wanna hear-" he was cut off.

"Wait, you knew?!" She yelled from the other side of the line. (Y/N) took a second to think.

"Knew what? What are you talking about?"

"She's missing!"

"Oh. Yeah, I didn't know that. And, let me guess, you want me to do something about it?" Part of the pilot knew he was feeding a flame here.

"You think I called just to let you know?! Ozpin sent you as back up, so get over here and do your job!" Yang hung up before (Y/N) had time to respond.

"Oh for fuck's-" he cut himself off, grunting in frustration. He quickly bent down and picked up his helmet, pushing it back over his head. The pilot then slung his Kraber over his back and took off, tracking the remainder of RWBY's locations by their scrolls on his HUD map. He dashed and jumped from building to building, grappling and sliding until he came across a street with a conveniently large hole in the pavement and, also quite conveniently, Weiss, Yang, Blake, and Oobleck. The pilot leaped from the edge of the office he had run across, landing into a slide before putting his feet out, skidding to a stop in front of the group.

"Oh my . . ." Oobleck said, his tone conveying a grave mistake. "Of course. Of course of course of course!" The doctor began pacing as (Y/N) squatted by the edge.

"Holy shit." He started. "That is one big-ass pothole." He looked to his 'teacher' as the man began a history rant the pilot decided to skip.

* * *

I jumped into the hole, the rest of team RWBY distracted by Oobleck. There was no point in waiting for him to explain. Get down and save Ruby - the objective is clear.

My boots touched down on a hard surface much sooner than I expected. Looking up I saw I had only fallen 20, maybe 30 feet.

"The hell was that?" I heard the voice on my right and immediately cloaked. Standing a short distance from me was a White Fang grunt, by the looks of it. He was standing on an edge . . . It was then I realized I stood on a building. A goddam underground building. Snapping from my stupor, I focused on the grunt. Despite not wanting to risk discovery my cloak was seconds from dropping.

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