Helpless Hero

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Need one more vote for Conduit Vs Criminal RWBY male reader. Will be gone for next week and will not be able to write.  

     "So what was that about getting along, Ruby?" Yang asked, annoyance and sarcasm in her voice. By this time, the lunch room had cleared and the students were going to their classes. Professor Goodwitch had team CRDL take their crippled leader to the infirmary. She had also asked the witnesses what had happened, though she hadn't stayed for long. The rabbit faunus that CRDL had been picking on was perhaps the most scared of them all, though it was unknown if it was for her safety or Cardin's. True, Velvet had wanted someone to stick up for her, though she never expected anything. To have someone she didn't even know come up and defend her like that was possibly the one of the biggest shocks she had felt in a while. 

"Well-I... what do you mean?" Ruby gave her sister a nervous questioning look. 

"What do you mean 'what does she mean?" Weiss appeared by Yang. "(Y/N) just mutilated Cardin. How can you not know what she means?"

"Oh. Well-I... uh." Ruby tried to come up with answer. 

"I really don't see what the big deal is. Cardin obviously deserved it." Blake walked up on the other side of Ruby. 

"How can you say that after what he did? He's a maniac. Yet here we are going to school with him because Ozpin saw it fit to send a terrorist to Beacon with us." Weiss said. 

"But he stopped Cardin, right? That's a good thing." Ruby tried to sound hopeful. 

"I think what Weiss was trying to say, is that maybe (Y/N) took it a little too far." Pyrrha said, walking up next to them. 

"A little is an understatement if you ask me." Yang frowned. 

"Yeah. He continued to hit Cardin even after he went down. It was straight up ruthless." Weiss reasoned. 

"I don't know if it was ruthless, Weiss. I'm sure he had a reason." Ruby said, hopefully. 

"Yeah, and I bet it was something a long the lines of 'I'm a crazy sociopath that likes to torture living humans as a hobby." Weiss replied. Ruby looked down in slight sadness. Her friends were divided between opinions, as was she. (Y/N) had helped her, she hadn't forgotten. Weiss and Yang were also right to some degree. He had beaten Cardin to the point where he couldn't stand on his own. But he also did it for a good reason. The pilot was still largely a mystery to her, as all she knew about him was his name and that he controlled a giant robot. Ruby made a mental note to ask him about it later. 

     Your running act had worked for the time being. Glynda did not chase you, much to your surprise. In all honesty, you didn't care what Goodwitch thought. Everyone in that lunchroom knew Cardin deserved that. You were simply the one who had the balls to do what had to be done. Not everyone shared your opinion, however. You titan included.

"Pilot, you should not have done that." 

"Oh come on, Osiris. You know he deserved that."

"While that may be true, threatening with violence in the school is an effective way to get other students to dislike, or in some cases, fear you. I estimate this would be counterproductive."

"Well it's not like anyone else was going put a stop to it. And we should both know by now that using words is just about as effective as hitting him with a fly swatter." 

"Pilot Lieutenant Colonel Jeff Goldblum killed a pilot with a fly swatter in under sixty seconds." 

"You're missing the point, Osiris."

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