Talking Our Problems Away

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Alright, guys. Welcome to volume three! I don't have any major news. But there will be more relationship development with characters. Please keep in mind that just because what is said between them may sound deep and/or dramatic doesn't mean anything specific. How they bond is how I feel is best based on their interactions so far and how they can relate to each other. Please keep that in mind.

     "I know you don't like me, but I want to help you."

The words stuck with him, even now, several hours after they had been spoken. (Y/N) sighed, unable to stop his mind from wandering. 

"You're hurting."

"Would it really be worth it?" The pilot asked himself aloud, reviewing the weapon schematics one last time. 

"To what are you referring?" The large machine kneeling behind him asked. 

"The whole thing with, well, you know who." He replied, glancing at his mechanized companion before going back to organing parts on the workbench.  

"Psychological studies have shown that forming bonds with others, both in time of need and in everyday life, is beneficial for both parties involved. I cannot determine if it will be worth it to you, but centuries of science imply a high probability of improving your mental status."

(Y/N) sighed again as his mind drifted back to the conversation he had with Ruby only hours before.  

Several hours earlier                                                    

The knock was expected, though whether it was welcome was still up in the air. The pilot stopped what he was doing at his workbench and looked over to the massive hangar doors. "Suppose this was going to happen at some point." He muttered, sauntering over to the normal-sized door he had installed to make his own life easier. (Y/N) gripped the handle with his right hand, turned, and pulled. The door opened to reveal the short girl standing on the other side of it. 

Ruby stared into the blue of the pilot's visor worriedly. But before she could speak, he moved out of the way and let her in. The behavior confused her momentarily, but she excepted it none the less. 

(Y/N) just wanted to get it over with. 

Ruby stopped in the middle of the room, watching as the pilot continued to walk away back to his weapon plans. The tension was broken just as quick as it formed. 

"You come here to say something?" He asked.

"I . . . uh . . . well-" Ruby stopped and sighed, trying to compose herself. "I'm . . . sorry. Like, really, really sorry. I didn't know what I was doing and I acted impulsively so IjumpedinbutIdidn'tmeantogetyouhurt!" She looked at the floor, pressing her fingers together. The guilt was not difficult to see. (Y/N) shook his head. 

"My shoulder's healed now, Ruby. There's nothing to worry about. If that was all-"

"Wait!" She interrupted before looking down again. "I'm also sorry about . . . about Mountian Glenn. I didn't want to fight with you. But everything I've ever known has told me that the good guys don't kill people if they don't have to. I don't understand-"

"Of course you don't." Spoke (Y/N)'s voice. Ruby's eyes widened as she looked up. "You weren't there. You couldn't possibly understand the reasons I have for doing what is it that I do. But I don't expect you to." He turned to meet her gaze. "But I wish you were a little more open-minded about these things. I mean, you're so damned judgemental."

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