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We moved on to the final stage and I was wearing the 6th attire for the shoots. I mentally noted myself to buy something similar to the last outfit to be used on my honeymoon once I get married to a decent man.

Weirdly enough that I actually get used to the thin fabric and exposed skin after wearing the 2nd attire. Maybe because I wanted everything to end quickly. No delay should be made in my chaotic state of mind.

I didn't get a chance to peek at the album to see what's the pose was going to be like. But judging from the subtle change of the atmosphere, I bet that it was something beyond my imagination.

And my gutt was right.

A black blindfold was blocking my eyesight as my hands were tied to the bed using a red ribbon. I felt a body was approaching me and I was so ready to throw kicks blindly.

"Don't move."

Your raspy voice warned me as you climbed on the bed and stopped once your body heat dominating over me.

"Did you see the last pose?"

"No. Brief me about it. Quick."

"It's something that came out straight from Fifty Shades of Grey movie. We need to pretend to have sex."

"What the fuck?! Byun Baekhyun, untie me now! I can't do this!"

"Hey hey don't panic. Just tilt your head backward, slightly let your lips apart, pin your entire torso with mine and arch your back a bit. I'll do the other works."

"But Baek-"

"Do you trust me?"

"Y-Yes. But I-"

"Then just close your eyes and play your role. Let's finish this as fast as we can."

And I didn't know that I would be barely survived after trusting him too much on that. It was like letting myself being trapped into a mouse hole. Shit.

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