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You weren't there in your office and I legit needed to tip toeing while exploring your medium sized room. Trashes were everywhere on the floor.

I picked one by one of the crumpled A4 papers on the floor and each of them revealed the unfinished design of streetwear clothes.

So you were stressing over this matter. But as far as I knew, you had nothing in your schedule that urged you to come up with a new collection.

"Manager Kang, can you make time for me during lunch?"

I called your manager for a meet up at the nearby cafe. Maybe he knew better than I was about your current condition.

"What's happening? You're not fired yet right?"

"Of course not. But I am no longer Baekhyun's manager. They will ask him to find a manager for himself as a self reflect."

"That's even worse. He doesn't really know other people. Did he talk to you about this?"

"He texted me hours ago. Apologizing for being a cowardy jerk. But he did mention that he already found a suitable manager for him."

"Really? That's pretty fast. So he didn't skip any meal right? He didn't starve himself or self harming right?"

"You sound like his guardian or something. It's interesting to watch sometimes."

"I have to. That kid barely stays alive without my guidance from afar. He almost got hit by a car the last time I avoided him after he leaked one of my photos to his staff."

"Yeah. That funny faced photo. I remember that. But it's not that bad."

He said that but his action didn't match his words. His ears were turning beet red as he tried his best not to giggle. Bruhh, it was a nightmare for me.

I asked for more infos from him, I even bribed him by buying him a grand lunch but this one hella secretive guy refused to reveal more. He said that I would know everything when the time has come.

I could do nothing but just sighed in defeat.
Byun Baekhyun, what is your plan?

Your mom told me that I need to take care of you no matter what happens and you make this task awfully harder than it was suppose to be.

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