T H I R T Y - S I X

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Morning came with a sorrow heart that we both kept inside our chests. You cuddled into my arms, refused to go to work.

I creeped out of the bed with muffled sobs. I wasn't sleeping for the whole night. I couldn't even close my eyes.

Hours of thinking about what I should do next with you being like that. Should I hide you or expose you? I failed to come out with an answer.

I crouched under your dining table and cried my heart out. It was pitiful of you to be helpless but I felt angry.

Angry of your immatured decision. I wanted to fix you, so bad. But I didn't know how.

"What are you doing under the table?"

Fuck you. Don't come any closer to me. I might loose my control over my wrath. Stay away.

"Hey.. are you crying?"

Your sleepy eyes met with my teary ones as you bent over to look at me.

One look, one poke on my shoulder, one sentence.

Three actions from you and I burst into hundreds of fireworks.

I screamed.
I cursed.
I punched.
I wailed.

That was me who wasn't really me. The redness of boiling blood swallowed my sane mind away. I was hysteric and you tried so hard to block the attack.

"What are you mad at me for?"

"You're doing drugs and you're going to overdosing yourself!"

"Then tell me something.. do you even have the solution for this?"

"N-no. But I'll help you with what I can. Just tell me how."

"Distract me."


"Be my drugs. 24/7."

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