F O R T Y - F O U R

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Name the place and time. If you needed me, I rushed to you. I was afraid that you would get back to your old self.

The old you who in love with illegal drugs.

From your bed to your office toilet, we did it all. My body was sore with your hardcore touches and thrusts but somehow, I didn't care.

All I could remember after the sex was how I wanted you to hold me close to you; that I never wanted to let you go.

Bruises and love bites were easily found on my skin that I covered well using foundations and turtlenecks.

I felt that way at first. I felt happy with our relationship.

And sadly, the beautiful feeling didn't linger in me for too long.

But it's normal. Nothing could be permanent in our lives.

Because three weeks later, everything changed.

You noticed about it just a bit late than you should.

And I didn't give a fuck about that.

I just thought that it was wrong of you to do so and I didn't plan to change the opinion to anything else.

But hey motherfucker, it's not my fault that it turned out that way.

It's yours and will forever be yours.

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