T W E N T Y - O N E

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My blood was boiling in no time upon reading each line of text that you sent me. An essay of explanation that thick with guilt and boyish charm.

And you thought that I would just text you back an 'ok' with a smiley emoji after I understand those words?! Hell no! That's why I went to your house at lunch, on the very same hellish Sunday.

"Wake up Byun Baekhyun!"

"Oh Lord! What now? Get out Tae! I'm sleepy."

Okay! You have the balls to shoo me away?! That's it!

I marched boldly to your bed, snatched your black duvet and kicked you to the floor in less than 10 seconds, making you groaned in pain afterwards.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? I told you the whole story just like what you wanted me to do!"

"And how that makes you innocent? You're in so much trouble for making me lost my job! You freaking sent a resignation letter under my name to Lee Sooman last week and how come I never knew about that?!"

"I told you that you're working under my brand right? You said nothing about objecting against the idea."

"But did I say anything similar to agreement? NO! I am jobless now! Damn you!"

I was shaking for the whole time that my voice didn't came out as confident as it should be. I was mad. So mad at you.
Why? You have no right to do that.

"Hey. Don't cry Tae."

"Fuck you. I am not a crybaby."

"Your cheeks are wet dear."

"They aren't wet!"

But as soon as I finished acting all tough on you, a pair of hands tugged on my waist slightly, making me stumbled to the edge of the bed as you snuggled onto my stomach while letting your arms rested just above my hips.

"Sorry to do that but you're mine and you need to work under my company."

I sobbed even harder than before. Were you delusional? You owned no company. You just owned a brand and you worked as a model for SM.

"Shut up liar. You are as jobless as I am now. Stop saying nonsense shits."

I waited for an answer from you but not a single fidget or sound came. I shook your shoulders a bit and your hands fell to your sides suddenly.

I smiled halfheartedly in amusement after I saw your 'O' mouth when I tilted your head gently. You were snoring lightly as I tucked you under your duvet that I pick from the floor (well I threw it before).

Oh dear. You made me cry and entertained me to bring back my smile again. You made me turned into a bipolar girl now and then.

You looked like a newborn baby when you slept but hey, we're both adults now and we're in a massive crisis now.

How could you sleep so soundly Baekhyun?
Perhaps you were dreaming of good dreams?
Was it me in that dream?
Or was it a hot model that you posed with?

Wait. No.

The main question is why the heck did I even care?!

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