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Glad that it was a Saturday on the very next day. I pulled up a black shorts, white tank top and an ash grey cardigan that matched with my waist longed hair.

The moment I entered your family area, the vibe felt drastically different than the night before. It felt a bit more lively as the curtains being pushed all the way to allow sunlight inside the house and I could tell that the furnitures were dust-free.

Perhaps you were quite sober while I was taking care of your hand and you called a cleaning lady to organize your used to be spotless house. At least you'd get some sense there.

"Morning gummy bear!"

A back hug that came out of nowhere made me stumble forward in surprise and you caught me in your embraced effortlessly.

"Morning to you too puppy Baek. No hangover?"

I pat your hands twice and you let me go before  trailed behind me to the kitchen's island. I could feel your intense stare towards the food that I set up on the counter one by one.

"Not really. I didn't drink that much last night."

"Yeah. Sure you weren't that drunk."

I smirked when I saw you pouted at my pressed remark on the word 'that'. You're a light drinker and you're not someone who enjoy alcohol too much. We both knew that since we were 20.

I watched you gobbled up your food; inhaling them instead of eating them. It made me wonder of something; for how long that you didn't feed yourself properly?

I didn't realize that I was staring too much until you broke the silence for us.

"Stop digging a hole on my face. Your head must be so complex right now. How many questions that I need to answer?"

"A couple of thousands..?"

"That'll take forever. Shoot the first one."

"Why were you drunk last night?"

"Next question."

"But that's the easiest one that I have in the store!"


"Fine. How many days that you starved yourself?"

"Less than a week. I didn't put any marks on my calendar."

"Should I lecture you now or save it for later?"

"Later. Wait. I'm not going to do this for free."

"Doing what? Answering my questions?"

"Yeah. I need a payment. Seriously. No offense but sometimes your questions are ridiculous and it is hard for me to face that."

"You're so well off with your income and you try to rob mine. What is it that you want? 100 dollars?"

"Come to my office this Monday. I'll let you know by then."

I studied your face, searching for any hint of mischievousness or evil but nothing. It was smooth and innocent as you slurped on your seaweed hangover soup like a 3 years old kiddo.

"Okay. I'm in."

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