T W E N T Y - N I N E

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One week away from the launching event and the fashion show, and we only finished with the photoshoot yesterday.

Your under eyes seemed extra darker today and your cheeks were shrinking. Baek, why do I feel that you're a stoner?

I held you busy for one whole day just as a little precation to prevent you from having any thoughts or moves that had to do with your private bungalow.

"You stick around me a lot today. Do you realize that?"

"Why are you so full of yourself Mr Byun? I am your PA and there's no reason for me to not be by your side during crazy week like this. I wonder who's fault it is."

I rolled my eyes as I said that. It's all your fault for pushing the days of shooting behind that made all teams had to work super fast to meet the deadlines.

"You seem quite tired Mr Byun. Your physical looks weak."

"But do I act like a weak person? Nope right? Then there's nothing for you to feel burden about. I eat and sleep well, Ms Kim."

These phrases kept on repeating in my head : Sick appearance. Healthy in action.

That thought didn't match with each other at all and it's what I really didn't want to know. It's a bad news Baek. You really acted like a stoner these days that make it hard to deny.

If this issue leaked out to the public, no one would be there to protect your image anymore. You're running under your own brand's name.

No one would do anything for you. No one else would fight along your side but me, myself and I.

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