T W E N T Y - S I X

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I jumped off your laps once you said that it was me who supposed to be your model. With no one surprise, I disagreed with you wholeheartedly.

I followed you to your house in my car after you ignored my words at the office, elevator and parking lot. You just smiled all the time while me clinged on your arm with a pair of teary eyes, totally desperate to escape from the situation.

"Baek don't slam your fucking door on my face."

"Did you just use a cursing word on me Ms Kim?"

"Office time is over since hours ago Baek. Can I find someone else to replace my spot? Please?"

"No. We'll discuss about this later okay? Now go home."

It's suspicious of you to stop me right in front of your bedroom door because you never did that before, ever. Your posture was also a bit defensive than usual.

"You're hiding something in your room."

"No. You and your Sherlock Holmes instinct will never die. Aigoo~"

"Your expression doesn't match with your words. Move aside. Lemme in."

"Seriously?! Can't I have a bit more privacy on my own bedroom? I'm a 26 years old man for Goodness sake."

"That's a bullshit rule. Unless you have something that you can't show me in there."

You sighed and I tapped my fingers on the door, calculating my next action. After I was 100% sure that your guard was down, my hand went for the knob in a speed of light.

My eyes rounded in an instant as you stiffled down a laughter, leaving me frozen while you shuffled to the nearest couch at the second family area.


The door was locked.

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