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The family area on the second floor looked like a wrecked ship that came out of Titanic movie and it was reeked of alcohol.

There you were, lying flat on the floor with a broken soju bottle beside your head and a bleeding hand. Burgundy blood oozed out of a huge cut on your palm.

"Oh my goodness! Look at what you have done to yourself Baek! Are you alright?"

The last one is definitely a foolish question to be asked but I couldn't think of any fancy question using my wired brain.

"Awhhh iT is tAerA! WanT tO hAve a DriNk wIth mE?"

You were beyond drunk that you didn't even feel any hint of pain on your hand at all. I really wanted to take an advantage to beat you into a pulp as you didn't feel anything at that time.

I was quick to find a white medical box while cursing inwardly at your unoriented state of mind. It was making me mad by looking at you so wasted after your parents death.

You sat still with your eyes half opened when I was nursing your injured hand quietly. My head ran wild with words that failed to be combined to form a full decent sentence. It was difficult to get rid of unproper words from my mind though. I really had the feeling to curse on your face for 10 minutes straight.

Your eyes looked a bit sober after I forced you to drink plain water and I did transfer my anger to you through my next action. I dragged you to a bath tub to give you a cold shower which received a loud complaint from you. Like I care.

"Ask away girl. You are curious about something."

"Shut up drunk man. Your breath is stink."

"Then you stop frowning like that. Your I-have-a-lot-of-questions expression is killing me."

"I'm obvious aye? Nah. I'll save it for later. A sober you is better. Change your clothes. I'm going home."

"You're leaving already?"

"It's not right for me to hang around in a male bachelor's house. I'll walk myself out. Make sure you're in one piece when I come back tomorrow. That's an order."

"Can't you stay?"

I heard you mumbled to the empty air behind me as I stepped to the first floor. I wished that I could stay just like in the old times.

But I'd rather do this or else my physical's going to pop on every fresh from the oven oh-not-so-true articles on the next morning; starting up a controversial with a famous Koreans' heart throb model and young fashion designer.

While me, just a faceless composer that hiding behind my nickname in albums.

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