F O R T Y - S E V E N

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I avoided you for two weeks, staying at home, ditching my duty as your PA.

You, who didn't have a clue about your wrong doings were kept on pestering me. Calling my number, leaving messages, came to my house.

You did what you can but nothing worked.

I was beyond hurt. I was devastated. I was cheated. I was dissapointed.

People said that love needs sacrifices.

I did a lot for you and all I wanted from you was your appreciation but you did the opposite thing Baek.

I felt so dirty, so cheap, so unwanted.

Every touch from you was crawling on my skin and I couldn't deny that I miss those roughness as you pounded in me.

I craved for the warmth when you released your load of cums in me.

I was sexually frustrated but my broken heart told my desire to fuck off for a while.

It needed to be mended first.

And I don't think that by hearing your useless explanation would do any help at the moment.

But I have a secret to tell you boy. Every night was spent well.

I chose my bathtub rather than my bed.
I filled cold soju into my glasses rather than juices.
I played black metal songs rather than sad melo songs.
And I fingered myself while moaning your name.

Being a pathetic me, I couldn't help but cried afterwards, realizing how wasted I was.

I loved you Byun Baekhyun.

And you only loved my body, not my soul.

Fuck you!

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