Chapter 1

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Being a celebrity isn't easy. It's stressful, full on, and hard. Life isn't simple anymore and wherever you go, people recognise you; they stop you for a quick chat or for a couple of pictures. Meeting new people every day is fun, especially meeting fans. It's the paparazzi, the time and the media that make your life just that little harder to cope with. Being a celebrity can get quite emotional too. You hear stories of your fans whether they have an illness or their life is hard for them. You don't get to see your family as much as you like to, so you miss them and get home sick.

Even through all of that, the toughest thing is finding a lover. I know I have girls handing themselves to me out on a plate, and yes, I have sex with them and I go on lots of dates, but I feel it's time for me to settle down and find a woman I can spend the rest of my life with; someone who will be my best friend, my lover, and my protector. I'm not looking for much; just a nice personality will do me. The lads (Marvin, Oritsé, and JB) have taken me out clubbing and restaurants to have a little look around at some girls. None of them tickled my fancy though. I've tried to have a look by myself, but I don't know where to start so it's always back to square one. I hope I find the girl I can spend the rest of my life with, and hopefully she'll come soon.

There is a JLS after party for our upcoming tour though. It's JLS and their fans having a good time, but it's only a few after parties. I think about four parties. You never know, I might find that one girl I've always been looking for.

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