Chapter 4

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It’s been a whole year since I’ve seen (Your name), and yet I am still thinking about her. I’ve told the lads about her and obviously there is nothing any of us can do. My eyes die to see her since I can hopefully get her number. Once my mind is set, it’s set.

“Are you coming out with me and the lads today?” Marvin asks which makes me look at him with a confused look from the TV screen. I’m at Marvin’s house at the moment and he had left me to play FIFA on the Xbox.

“Where are you going?” I ask since I had paused the game.

“Out with Aleena and her girls,” he says while turning to find his wallet or keys, I smirk.

Marvin met this girl, Aleena, at a meet and greet not too long ago and he’s completely smitten with her. He literally doesn’t want to stop seeing her. I think it’s cute but it’s getting a little much for my liking.

“Yeah sure, I’ll come, I’ve got nothing to do for the rest of the day,” I say while I switch the Xbox off and then the TV. Once I’ve placed the remote on the coffee table, I follow Marvin out into the hallway to the door.

(Your name)’s POV:

“I can’t be bothered to go shopping,” I moan like a child while I drag my feet into the kitchen.

Aleena is hot on my heels since she wants me to go with her and the girls to go shopping. She’s also bringing Marvin, Oritsé and JB from JLS, but I don’t know about Aston. A part of me hopes he isn’t coming since I did insult his dress sense, and that I did run from him back at the club.

“Please! You haven’t come out with us for ages, please,” she begs.

“No,” I reply while I begin to make myself some toast.

“Why not?” she asks as she stands next to me.

“Because I have nothing I need.”

“Doesn’t matter, you can still come out with us and it’ll be a great time,” she says.

“But I’m going to be stuck with three couples,” I moan and she shakes her head, rolls her eyes and tuts before moving away from my side to go to the fridge.

“You can look for a boyfriend. You haven’t had one in a while,” she adds and I giggle.

“I don’t need one,” I reply as I look at her to see her smiling.

“I think you do. You are always complaining that everyone is loved up and that you’re not, so I think it’s time you start trying to find someone,” she says and has a really good point. I am always complaining that everyone is loved up and I’m not.

“Is Aston coming with us?” I ask while I lean over the railing of the stairs. I and Aleena live together.

“I think so, I can text Marvin for you if you like,” she replies but a sudden smile is across her face.

“What?” I ask bluntly.

“Do you want him to come with us?” she asks cheekily and I shake my head.

“No, I insulted his dress sense and ran from him, so no. I hope to God I don’t see him again,” I sigh as I then lean on the railing with my right hand.

“I’m sure you want to,” she teases and I raise an eyebrow at her.

“I’m going to get ready, I’ll be down in a bit,” I say which makes her giggle.

“Okay Mrs Merrygold,” she teases for me to suddenly run back down the stairs and chase after her.

Aleena is my best friend and I tell her everything, simply because I trust her with my life! We’ve known each other since Secondary school and we’re stuck together like glue. We’ve never had an argument and we also stick up for the other. We actually treat each other like we’re sisters because we’re that close. I would be nowhere without Aleena, and I’m so thankful that I know her. She simply is amazing.

“Are you ready?” Aleena calls up the stairs. I also forgot to mention that she can sometimes be the mum figure between the two of us. She is really organized and keeps on top of me when I’m off track.

“Yes mum!” I call teasingly.

“Shut up!” she calls back with humour in her voice causing me to laugh. She always makes me smile when I’m sad or if we’re just simply having a laugh.

Once I’d slipped my last shoe on, I stand up from my side of the bed to see how I look in the long mirror that stands in the corner of my room. I’m wearing a black fedora hat with a red chequered jumper top. To add to the outfit, I’m wearing black shorts with high knee black socks and black high heel boots. My makeup is minimal but natural.

 Walking down the stairs, I see that the front door is wide open and that Aleena is just getting into her car. Grabbing a small bag, I throw my keys, phone and purse into my bag before jumping out of the house and locking the door behind me. Jogging down the pathway, I swing the gate open and leave it open to jog to the front passenger side of the car and quickly climbing in.

“Eager,” Aleena giggles and I smile while putting my seatbelt on. Aleena pulls away from the curb and heads towards Central London.

“By the way, Aston is coming,” she says causing my mouth to fall open at her. Oh no.

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