Chapter 14

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Aleena’s POV:

I wasn’t there for the argument, nor do I know what they argued about, but by (Your name)’s expression it was enough to know she was upset. Sighing, I look to Chloe and Diana who too saw the argument and we silently make the decision to go and see (Your name).

When we got to the hotel room, I put my ear to the door and I could just about hear her crying. Frowning, I turn to the girls.

“She’s crying,” I say quietly.

“Well let’s get in there and talk to her,” Chloe said and I nod before turning back around and knocking on the door.

“(Your name), its Aleena, Diana and Chloe,” I call through the door.

“Go away,” she calls back and I frown.

“Please let us in, we want to talk about what’s happened,” I call but nothing is called back. A matter seconds later, and the door opens with a mascara stained (Your name).

“Oh babe,” I sigh sadly.

“He doesn’t care, and he never will,” she sobs and I frown.

Aston’s POV:

Sitting on the end of my sun lounger, I have my head in my hands while I dwell on the argument I and (Your name) just had. To be honest, I’m quite hurt by what she called me: a deceiving man whore. Am I really that kind of person? Sighing sadly, I look up to see Marvin sat next to me.

“Not working out huh?” he asks and I shake my head.

“We’re going backwards again,” I reply quietly for him to frown.

“We’ve only been here for two days, I’m sure in the next twelve days something amazing will happen and you’ll both be fine again,” he says and I scoff.

“I doubt it,” I mumble.

“You need to stop thinking so negatively. Whatever was said in the argument, you need to put behind you and move forward.”

“Why? She’s doesn’t care,” I mumble again.

“I’m sure she does. Was she not the one who apologized?” he asks and I shrug my shoulders.

“Just see it as a little disagreement and you’ll both make it up at the end of the day.”

“No Marv, she was shutting me off because she knew I slept with that girl. She just called me a deceiving man whore,” I say quite sadly.

“That’s because she’s upset with you, I’m sure she doesn’t mean it,” he says before getting up and moving off. I’m left to sit by myself and think over the conversation I and Marvin just had.

(Your name)’s POV:

“And now I don’t know what to do,” I cry heavily into Diana’s arm.

“I’m sure everything will sort itself out eventually,” I hear Chloe say but I shake my head.

“He clearly doesn’t care, if he’s having sex with random girls then I can’t trust him, and so I can’t allow myself to have these feelings,” I sob making the girls frown since I moved my head from Diana’s arm and saw the expressions on the girls.

“So what do you plan to do?” Aleena asks after 10 minutes.

“I don’t want to go out tonight, so I’m just going to stay here,” I whisper making the girls frown.

“Come on! If you do, it’ll take your mind of everything that has happened and you can probably start new again with Aston,” Diana says and I shrug my shoulders.

“I don’t know. It might just cause more trouble between me and Aston,” I mumble for the girls to suddenly raise their eyebrows at me. “What?”

Later that evening, the girls had dragged me out to a nearby nightclub to the hotel. To be honest, I was enjoying myself more than I thought I would be. With a drink in my hand, I was dancing to the beat of the music with Aleena, Diana and Chloe as we laughed and just had a good time. The lads were here with us, but I believe they were just keeping Aston away from me since everyone soon found out about the argument that I and Aston had, but tonight, something seemed different with Aston.

Aston’s POV:

I’d gotten myself pretty tipsy half way through the night, and with (Your name) being in the same room as myself, my eyes couldn’t bring themselves away from her. She was tipsy too and I can tell since she was giving me cheeky winks causing me to smirk. Thankfully, none of the group could see this. She bites her lip and signals for me to approach her, which I do, and when I get to her, her arms snake around my neck leaving my arms to loop around her waist. Our foreheads press together.

“You look amazing tonight,” I whisper to her making her smile.

“You look handsome,” she whispers back.

To be honest, I think the only reason we’re suddenly getting on is because of intoxicated we are, but I think both of us were planning to get that little bit more drunk.

Within minutes, we’re both laughing our heads off at each other because of how drunk we are - Just randomly laughing at each other. To say we’re drunk would be a bit of an understatement, I mean, we’ve lost it completely. After laughing, I bite my lip and hold my right hand out for her to take, which she does and I assume that she thinks we’re going to the dance floor, but I had other plans. I’ve wanted to do this for a while and even though we’re so drunk, I really wouldn’t get this opportunity again, not while we’re sober anyway. When I have her hand in mine, I pull her closer to me for me to be able to wrap my arms around her waist; she grins and wraps her arms around my neck.

“You’re so beautiful,” I slur making her grin.

“You’re so gorgeous,” she slurs back causing me to smile.

Out of nowhere, I get the urge to kiss her and I oblige to the urge. Pushing my lips against hers, I could feel the surprise from her before she gives the kiss back. Our intoxicated lips entwine perfectly and I pull her closer to me.

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