Chapter 19

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I stood, frozen, staring at the two packges of food in my hand. Who is she going on a date with? It seemed the thought would never leave my mind. Having no idea how long I was standing there for, I decided I would ring the other girls and maybe they would know something about (Your name)'s mysterious date. Placing the two packages of food back on the shelf, I then fish my phone out of my pocket and dial Diana's number. She picks up after a couple of minutes of it ringing.

"Hello?" She answers.

"Babe, have you heard about (Your name)'s date?" I ask, and I notice I sound quite panicked.

"No, I haven't. She has a date?" Diana not only sounds interested, but sounds slightly panicked too. I think the reason we are sounding panicked is because we don't know who (Your name) has a date with, and we want her to be safe.

"Yeah, I just rang her seeing if she was free next Saturday since I wanted to make a catch up between the girls, but she told me that she couldn't make it because she has a date. I rang you thinking you might now something about it," I explain pretty quickly as I walk towards the shelf checkout.

"No, I haven't heard anything about it. I take it she didn't tell you who it's with."

"She said it's someone we don't know and they are trying it out to see if something will work," I explain while I start to scan the rest of my shopping through the checkout. I've trapped my phone between my ear and my shoulder.

"Wow that is interesting, have you phoned Chloe yet to ask? And what about Aston?" Now Diana sounds cautious rather than interested.

"I have no idea what she's doing with Aston, either they've had another argument we don't know of or they're just not planning to do something together. I haven't phoned Chloe no, but I don't think their will be any point since we don't know anything about the date. Maybe I should just phone Aston see if he knows?" I ask since I just hatched the idea. By now, I've managed to pack my shopping into bags and have started to wheel the trolley to my car that is sitting outside waiting for me.

"Yeah, that's a good idea! Phone him and then phone me to see what he says, or even better, let's make plans for tonight so that we can talk about this and have a catch up night," Diana suggests, and I immediately agree to the idea.

"That sounds great, I'll have it at Marvin's house since he is out with the lads tonight and I have a spare key. So tell Chloe to be at Marvin's for six 'o' clock," I demand.

"Will do! Will you let us know what Aston says about the date tonight?" She asks softly.

"Yes, and also, if (Your name) asks you or Chloe what you're doing tonight, just say you were called into work or something," I reply shortly before we say our byes.

Once we had hung up, I dropped my phone into my bag before packing my shopping into the boot of my car. Shutting the boot of my car, I wheel the trolley back where I got it from before walking hurriedly back to my car. Sitting in the driver's seat, I go down my bag to retrieve my phone from out of it before dialling Aston's number.

"Hello," he answers cheerily after a few moments of the line ringing.

"Hello, do you know anything about (Your name)'s date in Saturday?" I ask and I can feel him tense on the other side.

"No, I know nothing about it," he replies after a few moments of hesitating. I seem to tense about his hesitation.

"So you don't know who she's having the date with?" I challenge since I think he does have an idea about it.

"No," he mumbles.

"Have you and (Your name) fallen out?" I ask suspiciously.

"No, I haven't spoken to her since the holiday," he says cautiously and I can tell he's lying - he'd be more genuine if he wasn't lying.

"If you say so," I reply before hanging up without waiting for a reply. He definately knows something about the date.

Aston's POV:

My heart was racing through my chest throughout the conversation with Aleena. She really was putting me on the spot. I was really thankful once she hung up, but I didn't waste time ringing (Your name). The only way, that I can think of, how Aleena knows is by (Your name).

"Hello," she answers happily.

"Baby, did you tell Aleena that you had a date this Saturday?" I ask.

"Yes I did, she wanted to know if I was free Saturday and I just told her I had a date. I didn't tell her who with though. Why?" She asks and I sigh.

"She's chased me down about it. She wanted to know if I had any idea about the date and who you might be with. Of course, I lied and said that I had no idea about your date let alone who you would be with. I also lied saying that I haven't spoken to you since the holiday," I explain and I can feel (Your name) frown.

"I'm sorry, I just didn't want to say that I was free when I actually wasn't becsuse then it wouldn't fair on you. She would have asked what I was doing anyway so I would have to tell her anyway," she says quietly.

"No reason to be sorry baby, it's just... she has an idea that you're dating someone and so now the rest of the group are soon going to know, and we'll both be asked questions since they will think I have something to do with the dates. This means we're just going to have to lie until we feel comfortable and ready to tell them the truth," I say and I can feel her relaxing.

"I'll do what you say, hopefully they won't figure us out," she says and I agree with her before we have a comfortable chat.

We didn't realize how wrong we were.

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