Chapter 28

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Both I and Aston spent our afternoon talking even though I could barely move my body. My voice had come back to me soon enough. Aston had just kissed the back of my hand when someone walked through the door.

"Sorry, wrong room," a petite brunette said before turning back to step out of the room, but before she even closes the door, she steps back into the room.

"Excuse me, are you Aston Merrygold?" She asks, he stares back at her.

"I am," he replies cautiously.

"I don't know if you remember me, but I'm Becky. I use to sit next to you in English at school," she says, and he seems to think for a moment.

"Becky!" He suddenly exclaims happily, before jumping off the side of the bed and goes over to her.

They wrap each other up in a hug, and I suddenly feel like I'm not even there. I frown as they kiss the other's cheek. They make small talk before I suddenly hear my name being called. I must have dazed out while they were talking.

"This is (Your name). (Your name) this is Becky," Aston introduces.

"Hi," I say softly, but quietly, with a smile.

"Hi," she replies the same way.

"Do you mind if me and Aston go to the café to have a catch up?" She asks, but she asks with way too much confidence.

"No I don't mind," I say softly and quietly.

Aston quickly turns on his heel and walks over to me to press a kiss against the skin on my right cheek.

"I'll be back in about ten minutes," he whispers into my ear before walking off, with Becky, out of the door.

Continuing to stare at the door, I frown as I now really feel left alone. Whoever this Becky girl is, she is one heck of a bitch. She mistakes the room, but has no problem snatching Aston away from me. Maybe I am just overthinking this. She's probably a really lovely girl, and all she wants to do is have a 10 minute catch up with her school English buddy. I mean, I see Aston nearly all the time since we are trying to get a relationship to work between us, so 10 minutes won't hurt. Although, it does make me wonder. Does Aston and Becky have any history together?

It's been an hour since Aston went off with Becky. Talk about 10 minutes. I was sat alone, and bored, when the door opened only for Aleena and Marvin's head to pop around the door.

"You're awake!" Aleena squealed delightfully while running over to my right side before diving onto me for a hug.

I giggle at Aleena's sweetness, but with the little strength I have, I try my best to hug her back. Looking over Aleena's left shoulder, I see that JB and Chloe have turned up too. Soon followed by Oritsé and Diana.

"Have all of you come to visit me?" I ask surprised as each other them give me a personal greeting.

"We sure have, we wanted to see how you were doing," Oritsé says and I grin delightfully.

"Where's Aston?" Marvin asks, and that's when my grin vanishes.

"This Becky girl came in here by mistake, but before she left, she recognized Aston. He went off with her to have a catch up in the café. They said they would be ten minutes, but that was an hour ago," I explain and I could see anger building up on Marvin's and JB's face.

"Me and Marv will go find him," JB says firmly, and with a nod of the head, Marvin goes off with JB.

"I feel like I'm just about to cause trouble," I say quietly and look Diana with scared eyes.

"I'm pretty sure they'll just have a word with him," Diana replies.

Marvin's POV:

I and JB walked through into the café, and Aston is the first thing that comes into my sight. He's on the other side of the room with a petite brunette. They're laughing at something over some drinks.

"Over there," I point to JB before we quickly make our way over to him.

In the time we are making our over to Aston, he spots us and I notice the fright across his face. The only reason he'll ever look like that at me is because I have an angry look across my face.

"What the hell are you doing?" I hiss as he frowns.

"Catching up with Becky," he says quietly.

"Okay, and how long have you been with this girl?" I ask, but Aston shrugs his shoulders.

"Five minutes?" He asks quietly.

"Wrong. You've been with Becky for an hour, leaving (Your name) by herself. Do you not think she needs you more than Becky does," I hiss and he frowns even more.

"I'll see-" Aston goes to get up from the booth, but I push him back down.

"Leave it. You stay here and have fun with Becky. I, JB and the rest of the group will look after her," I hiss.

I and JB were about to turn to walk away, when Aston decides to try and get back up again, but this time JB pushes him back down onto the sofa before we both walk away.

(Your name)'s POV:

Less than two minutes later, JB and Marvin come back into my room but there is no sign of Aston.

"We've spoken to him," JB says and I frown.

"What did you say?" I ask quietly and I notice the fright in my voice.

"He didn't realize he'd been gone so long. He thought he'd been gone for five minutes. He tried to come back but we said he could stay there," Marvin explains, but I frown even more. "He'll come back. I bet you he'll back in a minute."

The group and I were having so much banter until the door opened, and a nervous Aston stepped through before closing the door behind him. He came back in the time Marvin said he would - a minute. The room fell silent, and everyone was staring at Aston, but he bravely looked at me.

"Sorry," he said quietly, and I had no idea whether I wanted to be angry, sad or be normal with him.

"I didn't know I was gone for so long," he adds and I frown.

"Come here," I say loud enough for him to hear.

He timidly walks his way over to my right side, and since I'm sat up, I hold out my arms for him to lean foward and give me a tight hug.

"I'm sorry," he whispers into my ear, and without saying anything, I just squeeze him.

"What did you do with Becky?" Marvin's intimidating voice booms around the room, and I know it startles Aston.

"I said goodbye to her and came back here," he says while he pulls out of the hug.

"Did you take her number?" JB asks and I know the question requires a correct answer.

"No, I didn't," Aston says quietly, but I know he's being geniune, which makes  me smile.

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