Chapter 9

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Aston’s POV:

“You look really nice today,” I hear a small voice say beside me and I look at her with a grin.

“Thank you, you look nice too,” I reply and she smiles.

I’m wearing a white t-shit, pale blue jeans and white high top converses, but I’m also wearing a black and grey baseball jacket with the top button done up, but the rest undone.

“Are you finished?” she asks and quickly glances into my mug of chocolate to see if I am, I smile at her cuteness.

“I am finished,” I reply.

“Can we just go alone? I just really want to make this friendship work and get to know you, plus I’m bored just sitting here,” she says and I chuckle.

“We can,” I say before asking Marvin and Aleena to shuffle out of the booth so that I and (Your name) could shuffle out.

“Where are you two going?” Chloe asks.

“To get more shopping,” I answer her while (Your name) picks up her bags.

“Oh, are you two getting along now?” Aleena teases which makes (Your name) giggle.

“Yes we are,” she answers before we walk off into a direction of a shop.

(Your name)’s POV:

The day was coming to a close, and both I and Aston had completely forgotten about the rest of the group. It came to the point that Aleena had text me telling me that she and the rest were going home; I and Aston however, continued to shop just to stay in the other’s company. He genuinely is a lovely guy with such an amazing personality! I don’t know why I was nasty to him in the first place.

“Aw thank you for today Ast, it’s been really nice getting along with you,” I say sweetly with a rosy feeling in my cheeks.

“No worries babe, it’s been nice getting to know you too,” he says with a smile that is to die for!

“I best be getting home,” I say as I glance at the clock on my phone.

“Would you like me to drop you off?” he asks.

“Oh, no, I couldn’t possibly let you do that. That’s a little too much to ask for. I’m okay making my own way home,” I say sweetly for him to shake his head.

“No, I wouldn’t forgive myself if something happened to you and because it’s late I’m not taking any chances. I’m dropping you off home,” he says and I grin.

“Thank you Ast, but you don’t have to.”

“But I’d like to,” he says cheekily and I grin.

“Thank you again Ast,” I say while rummaging through my bag to find my purse.

“No problem babe,” he says and my heart skips a beat at the nickname he gave me.

I was still in Aston’s car outside mine and Aleena’s house, but I was trying to find my purse so that I could pay Aston for the fuel.

“What are you doing?” he asks curiously.

“Looking for my purse,” I say just as I find it and go down it to receive a £5 note from it.

“Here you go,” I say while handing him the fiver and putting my purse back into my bag.

“What for?” he asks confused.

“For the fuel,” I say and he shakes his head and attempts to give it back.

“No you don’t need to,” he says.

“Please Ast!” I giggle while I struggle to keep my bag away from him to get out of his car. Laughter filling his car as I try my hardest not to let him give it back.

“Come here,” he says cheekily while he pulls me back and tucks the fiver back into my bag.

“No!” I giggle back while wriggling out of his grip and jumping out of his car, but managing to find the fiver and throw it onto the passenger seat of his car before running off to my front door.

Jumping into the house, my giggles slipped from my mouth but just as I turned around Aleena looked at me with a cheeky look.

“What was all that about in Aston’s car?” Oops, she must have spotted it.

“Just trying to pay him for the fuel since he dropped me off home,” I say sweetly before running off upstairs while trying to contain my laughter from the happy moment that I’ve just shared with Aston. He’s honestly an amazing guy.

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