Chapter 6

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Eventually, Aston had taken me back to the rest of the group where they were in Debenhams down Oxford Street. As soon as we got into the clothing department, I had shot off to where the girls were leaving Aston to himself.

“Thanks for leaving me,” I whisper to Aleena just before she moves off further into the shop.

“Sorry,” she says quietly.

“You were miles away and we couldn’t get you to listen, so since Aston had only just ordered his slice of cake, we asked him to stay with you and he did,” she says.

“He was rude to me though,” I say quietly and glance over to Aston. He was with Marvin, Oritsé and JB just on the other side of the aisle.

“I don’t blame him, by what I’ve heard you were rude to him first,” she says and I frown remembering the night in the club.

“Are you getting annoyed by it?” she asks while she admires the clothes along the way.

“I’m just annoyed at how good his comebacks are,” I whisper feeling ashamed.

“Maybe you should just apologize,” she suggests while stopping and turning to me.

“No,” I say bluntly.

“Why not?”

“Simply because he’s rude to me,” I say only for her to smile and shake her head.

“You were rude to him first babe, he has the right to be rude back,” she says before moving off, leaving me to follow her.

Aston’s POV:

“How was your time with (Your name)?” Marvin asks while we walk down, in boredom, the aisle since the girls are taking their time to admire the clothes.

“Horrible, she was rude to me,” I mumble as I look at (Your name) with a cross look.

“She clearly has a problem with you,” JB chuckles and I mumble in agreement, but he moves off to go to Chloe.

“Why don’t you ask what her problem is?” Oritsé asks.

“No, I’m not willing to get along with her or talk to her until she sorts out her attitude,” I say firmly making the lads nod.

“Well it’s completely up to you but I thought you wanted her number.”

“yeah, I did but not now,” I say quietly making Marvin and Oritsé look at each other and frown. Whatever that was about, I really don’t know.

Later on in the evening, the couples were greeting each other off while I and (Your name) stand awkwardly near each other.

“Not saying bye to a girl? Surprising, I thought you would be saying bye to a slapper,” (Your name) says but I completely ignore her.

“Oh dear has the cat caught your tongue,” she says sarcastically but I continue to ignore her.

“You’re probably just upset that a slapper didn’t say bye to you, or that you didn’t pull today,” that was when I lost it. Marching up to her, she looked terrified while she backed up against the wall that was just behind her. 

“You better shut your fucking mouth before I shut it for you. You’re an arrogant, stuck up selfish little bitch. You don’t care how anyone thinks or feels, all you care about is yourself and I’m done with you after today,” I snap in her face but she seems emotionless. From my outburst, the rest of the group had stopped to look our way in silence.

“Come on lads!” I call over to them as I climb into the car and wait for them. I could see that the lads awkwardly make their way to the car and I see (Your name) walk off to the girls in a low key. God, I literally hate her and I have no idea why I approached her at the club a year ago.

(Your name)’s POV:

Getting in the house that I and Aleena live in, I shot straight upstairs to my room and slammed my door shut. Throwing myself onto my bed, I thought about what Aston said and how low he thinks of me. I suppose I was only defending myself from a player as well as someone who had lashed back, I mean, we could have forgotten how I had spoken to him back at the club and start again, but I suppose things won’t change now and that’s how it goes. Not that I’m bothered about losing Aston, I mean, we weren’t really friends in the first place but thinking how he could have been an amazing friend, it makes me feel bad on how I treated him. He is right, I’m an arrogant, stuck up selfish little bitch. I suppose that I can only try be nice to him if I see him again.

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