Chapter 27

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Aston's POV:

Yawning, I sit up onto my left elbow and open my eyes to see that (Your name) is still out. She really must have hit head hard on the concrete. Frowning, I swing my legs out of the bed and sit on the side to rub my hands over my face. I then hear a ping from my phone, and I realize that it was coming from inside my travel bag. Getting off the bed, I go over to my phone and check to see who is contacting me.

[Would you like us to drop by or are you okay? M]

[You can come by if you want A]

Dropping my phone back into my bag, I rummage through my bag for a fresh pair of clothes so that once I've had my shower, I won't have to go back into the clothes I was wearing yesterday. Grabbing a denim short sleeved shirt, and black pants, I glance over my shoulder at (Your name) before going into the en-suite to have a shower.

(Your name)'s POV:

The excruciating pain that was pounding through my head was almost unbearable! I felt like I could chop my head off. However, I found it hard to move and I had no idea why, and I can't open my eyes either. To be honest, I don't know where I am and this is when I suddenly realize the two noises surrounding me. There's a bleeping noise coming from my left and the noise of running water on my right. Where in the hell am I? If only I could open my eyes to see.

Trying my hardest to get my brain to send signals around my body to move, it seemed that my brain had no idea how to function. Trying my hardest to think about moving my right little finger, a clicking noise came from my right and it made me freeze. Well, not exactly freeze, I'm already doing that. The clicking noise stop my line of thoughts, and I realized that the running water had stopped. If only I could open my eyes to see who is with me, but the sound of his voice made it clearer.

"Everybody in love, go put your hands up. Everybody in love, go put your hands up, if you're in love put your hands up," he sang so softly.

Oh how I've missed that voice! If only I could put my hand up. Although, that would be scary as hell if an dead-like person was to randomly raise their hand out of nowhere. He continued to sing, and as he did I returned to my line of thoughts about moving my little finger. Oh! I wish this process would hurry up!

Aston's POV:

It's been an hour since I had my shower, and there is no sign that (Your name) was waking up. The group decided not to come by since they didn't want to smother (Your name), which is completely understandable. I was mindlessly staring into my phone just as I see movement on the corner of my eye. My eyes flick over to (Your name) but she still seems lifeless. My eyebrows furrow with confusion before I look back to my phone, only to see movement again. Quickly looking back to (Your name), again there is no movement. What the hell?

(Your name)'s POV:

I'm doing it! I've managed to move my little finger. Next step, my hands.

It felt about five minutes when I securely managed to move my left hand and my right hand.

"Baby, are you waking up?" He asks, but I can hear the uncertainty in his voice.

With my hands being able to move, I signalled a 'yes' with my right thumb causing him to laugh. A couple moments later, the right side of my bed dipped and I felt his hand interlock with mine.

"Are you trying to open your eyes?" He asks softly and with the minial strength I had, I squeezed his hand.

"I take that as a yes," he chuckles and I feel a smile plaster itself across my face.

Yes! I'm getting there!

"Take your time baby, there is no rush," he reasurres, and that's when I feel a soft kiss land onto the back of my right hand.

With a huge grin across my face, my eyes easily flicker open but the light in the room is blinding, so I narrow my eyes for them to adjust to the bright white light, before my eyes are full open and the first thing I see, is the most gorgeous man on the planet smiling at me.

"Hello gorgeous," he says softly causing me to grin.

"Hi," I croak which makes him chuckle.

"How are you feeling?" He asks.

"I feel good now that I've seen you," I croak which makes him smirk.

He shuffles closer to me before leaning forward, and ever so sweetly, his lips capture mine in a tender kiss, and he keeps the kiss for a minute or two.

Once he pulls away, we grin like loons before I bite my lip, but his right thumb grazes across my lip which prizes my teeth away from my lip.

"I've missed you," he whispers.

"I've missed you too," I whisper back.

Just another filler. Just to let those know that if you have ordered a short story off me, I'll start those once this story is on chapter 30. Thanks for your patience.

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