Chapter 20

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Diana's POV:

It seemed like a scene from a movie the way that I and Chloe got out of our cars in sync - it made us giggle. We'd arrived at Marvin's place where Aleena told us to go. It's quite a big place, it's a modern manor house, and it's pretty much set in the middle of nowhere. All the JLS houses are set in the middle of nowhere - like a country side setting. However, Aston's house is more into the city since he's a city person, but his house is tucked away from the big city. Aston's house is pretty much hidden away by roads and roads of houses.

Marvin's modern manor house is brown, and is dotted with windows. Just before you get to his door, you would by far notice the three garages on your left hand side.  There's some greenery on the outside too, so the house doesn't look lost and open.

Chloe had knocked on the door and we waited a few moments before the door was opened. Aleena was stood in front of us in her comfy clothes, and thankfully, so were we.

"Hey guys! Come in," she offers delightfully before stepping aside for me and Chloe to step in.

As you step in, you are blinded by how white and modern the place is. Every feauture of the house is as modern as you can get. Lights that change colours for decoration or have different shades of light for your satisfaction. By the look of the place, it would have cost MILLIONS. It's honestly so neat and tidy, and utterly beautiful - you could stare at it for hours.

"Wow, Marvin does really have a style," I say in astonishment, while all three of us walk through into the living room.

"He really does, I wouldn't have been able to think up of this," Aleena admits and blushes causing me and Chloe to giggle.

"Would you like a drink or some snacks?" she offers.

"I'll have a glass of coke if you don't mind," Chloe says softly

"And I'll just have a coke too," I follow with Chloe's decision. Aleena then disappears out of sight to go into the kitchen.

"Did you call Aston?" I call into the kitchen from the living room while me and Chloe make ourselves comfortable.

"Yeah, I did!" She calls back and soon returns with three glasses of coke. Nibbles are already laid out on the coffee table in front of us.

"What did he say?" Chloe eagerly asks.

"He said he has no idea about the date she's having, but it's the way that he said it, I knew he was lying," Aleena says while popping a few crisps into her mouth from the little bowl they're sitting in.

"So he does have an idea," I say.

"Of course he does! He fancies her like hell, I'm sure he knew from the start," Chloe mentions.

"But if he knows why doesn't the rest of us know?" I ask and that makes the two girls nod their head in agreement and I can tell we're trying to think this over.

"Maybe, he's just keeping a secret for her," Aleena suggests, "and we're just blowing this out of proportion."

"Or, maybe he's the guy she has a date with," I suggest and the girls are soon alert with the idea.

"Maybe! We'll have to keep an eye on them then," Chloe says with a smile across her face.

For the rest of the evening, I, Chloe and Aleena chatted about our jobs and how our relationship is going. By the sounds of things, our lives couldn't be anymore better.

(Your name)'s POV:

Saturday night came, and I was getting ready for mine and Aston's indoor date. I'd already had a shower and done my minial makeup. I'd left my hair after brushing it. To the date, I'm wearing a white knitted jumper, a black skater skirt with black tights, and beige lace-up platform boots. I have a tiny black bag and knitted slouchy beanie in a brown colour. I just tried to go for the cute by comfy look.

Once I was ready, I left without any disturbance to Aleena since she was getting ready to go out with the group. Yeah, the group made plans to meet up but I already had my excuse of having a date, and Aston said he was going to turn up to the meet up, but then just not turn up and not reply to anybodies calls or texts. So I assume our phones will be switched off tonight!

Once I turned up at Aston's, I sat in my car trying to calm my nerves. I'm not going to lie, I'm really nervous about this date, I just want it to go well and hopefully make a good impression on Aston for him to want to go on another date with me. Looking at his house, it's huge and modern, plus its an immaculate white. Since I'm parked on his driveway, in front of me is three garages and on my right is three lots of stairs before a little walk to the front door. The outside looks stunning with lights and a bit of greenery on the side, and I'm so excited to see what the interior looks like! Ha! It sounds like I've turned up for a date with his house not with Aston. Thinking this, it calms me down and I'm suddenly raring with confidence. Climbing out of my car, I lock it before making my way up the little three lots of stairs and then making the small trek to the door. I then knock on the door waiting for a reply... The door opens, a few moments later, with the most gorgeous man smirking at me. I could feel the rosey colour in my cheeks.

"Hello gorgeous," he says sensually and I grin. How on Earth did I get this date with this man?

"Hello baby," I reply back softly but seductively before stepping forward only for him to pull me closer to him so that he could shut his door.

Once the door was shut, he turns to me and places his lips onto my own for it to linger a little. He then slowly pulls away before taking my right hand in his left and leads me to his living room.

"Make yourself comfortable and I'll bring out some of the drinks. Would you like a takeaway?" He asks and I grin. I love the sound of takeaway. "What would you like?"

"Oh err- Chinese will do," I say softly as I look at him since I've made my way to his sofa and have sat down.

"Great! I'll get the menu and bring out the drinks, and we will then get started with tonight," he says before ending with a cheeky wink and smirk. I blush once again.

Once Aston had disappeared out of my sight, I took the time to glance around his living room which was very well styled, and it's really modern too. Oh by the way, Aston is wearing a blue jeans, a black t-shirt that has a white triangle in the middle, with a snapback. I've noticed he's wearing black converse too. While Aston was gone, his mobile began to ring on his coffee table with JB's number lit across the screen. His phone slides across the table as it rings.

"I'll just switch that off," he says while coming back into the living room with two glasses and a bottle of wine.

"Oh, I can't drink," I say alarted for him to stop and look at me with a confused look.

"Why not?" He asks and confusion is smothering his voice.

"I'm driving home," I say like it's the obvious answer, but I've noticed another cheeky smirk runs across his face which causes my thighs to squeeze together and fingers knot.

"Who said you were going home tonight?" He whispers but has seduction in his voice. I bite my lip at his answer.

Within 20 minutes, we had ordered Chinese and recieved it. Aston had also put a film on and we'd gotten comfortable on the sofa under a blanket. Since the days are getting colder, a good cuddle is just what you need to get warmer. I've been lying on Aston for a good few minutes before I decided to snuggle myself more into him which caused a kiss to lie on the top of my head. I don't want this night to end.

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