Chapter 13

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Aston’s POV:

She’s been standing there flirting with this man for the past hour. They stand by the bar and he’s getting close to her like she’s his girlfriend. Jealousy was surging through my veins as I watch them, but what makes anger begin to build is how he stands even closer to her, wraps his arms around her waist and places a kiss onto her neck. She allows him to do so as her right arm wraps around his neck and her left hand holds her drink. She bites her lip as he kisses her. I don’t know what’s got into her, but whatever it is, I don’t like it. She’s been on my mind since the day we started to get on, and bit by bit I started to fall for her. Every time I see her, my heart skips a beat. Her beautiful smile, her stunning eyes and amazing figure, all of it is stuck in my head and there is no way I want to remove it, nor let it get replaced.

With a grin, she removes herself from the man’s grip and walks her way over to her sun lounger. She has a little bounce as she walks.

“Got a new friend,” I say to her causing her to look at me with an expressionless face.

“Yeah,” she replies bluntly before walking off.

What the hell has gotten into her? Feeling my eyebrows furrow with confusion, I see that she’s left her drink but has taken her phone. She’s giving this dude her number! Huffing, I watch how she just approaches him and his arm has automatically wrapped around her waist. My fists clench and my jaw tenses as he touches her.

“Mate, don’t get so wound up by what she’s doing,” I hear Oritsé say from the right of me and I quickly snap my head to the right to look at him.

“Are you fucking kidding me?” I hiss and he rolls his eyes.

“Funny enough, I’m not,” he replies sarcastically and I snarl before looking back to (Your name) and the man, and I see he is once again kissing her neck. I feel my fists get tighter with jealousy.

Later that evening, the lads were waiting for the girls to come to the restaurant of the hotel and soon enough, they got here. Diana sat in front of Oritsé, Aleena sat in front of Marvin, and Chloe sat in front of JB, which left me with Miss (Your last name) sat in front of me. She sits down and gets into the conversation that the group were having, like I’m not even there. Words cannot describe how pissed off I’m getting with her behaviour!

About an hour later, and (Your name) was sat on her phone.

“So how’s your new friend?” I asked and she looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

“Like you even care,” she replied bluntly and I smirk with a snigger. This causes her to glare at me.

“Got a problem?” She spat and I raised my eyebrow at her.

“No,” I scoff.

“I think you do,” she says nastily.

“And you need to grow up if you do,” she hissed before getting up and hastily leaving the table. I continue to look where she was before huffing, but since the group were looking at me, I gave them each an emotionless facial expression.

“What?” I ask bluntly as they continued to look at me.

“Nothing,” Marvin answers for them but I shake my head and get up and leave myself.

I was just getting my way back to my hotel hut when two figures caught my attention. They were just near (Your name)’s hotel hut and seemed to have one body pressed up against the other. Since there was hardly any lighting, I couldn’t tell who it was until I was half way up the stairs to my hotel hut. The outfit she was wearing was the exact same outfit as (Your name), and it came clear to me that the man she was with this afternoon was the one that had her pressed up against the wall and kissing her passionately. Jealousy surged through my veins as my heart took a pounding of hurt. I really don’t know what’s gotten into her, and whatever it was, I wish I could do something about it.

The following morning, I was hastily by the swimming pool but before I was there, (Your name) and the man was there. He’s the kind of lad who tries to act like a real muscled up man like me, but is skinny as a stick. The only free sun lounger was the one next to (Your name)’s where she was lounged onto this man’s body. He was tracing kisses along her neck as she bit her lip with the pleasure, and because he was pleasing her, I wanted him to stop.

“I’d be careful of her mate,” I say out loud for him to stop kissing her and look at me, she took looks at me but looks furious.

“She’s one nasty bitch,” I add and the look across his face is one of pure unimpressionable manner.

“Excuse me,” he says to her and quickly removes himself away from her, she sits ups and glares at me but I just smirk back.

“Come with me now,” she snaps while she gets up and goes to the pathway that runs round the side of the hotel. It’s also where people don’t go.

“What in the fuck has gotten into you?” she hisses as soon as we get to the pathway.

“I could ask you the same question,” I reply.

“Nothing has gotten into me,” she snaps.

“Are you sure about that? Because from what I’ve seen, you’ve done nothing but hang around a guy that you hardly know, but you act like you’ve been dating for a couple of months,” I snap at her.

“Says the guy who picked up a girl at a bar, bought her back to his hotel room and then fucked her brains out for most of the night,” she hisses but I glare at her.

(Your name)’s POV:

Who could he? He’s accusing me of something when he’s done worse.

“How do you know about that?” he hisse.

“You think I couldn’t hear her scream out your name?” I try to sound angry but my voice cracks and I feel tears build.

“You are just a deceiving man whore that’s what you are. You want nothing but to be shagged by random girls you don’t even know! Just because you’re a pop star and you’re good looking doesn’t mean that you can shove your dick up inside every girl that spreads her legs out in front of you,” I begin to cry as tears blur out my vision.

“I thought we were going to get along from now on. I was clearly wrong because you don’t show you care, and if you don’t then I won’t,” I manage to hiss before quickly making my way back to my hotel room. I try my hardest to brush my tears away as I make my way up the stairs to my hotel hut.

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