Chapter 30

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"I've ordered it," Aston says while he comes back in and places the phone onto the coffee table.

However, I was in a day dream, and just as he talks to me, I snap out of my thoughts of how to start that conversation.

"What's wrong?" He asks with worry over his face.

There's a small frown on his face as he wraps his arms around my waist. I shake my head as some sort of answer to his question.

"There's something wrong. Tell me what it is," he whispers and takes my right hand in his left, but I shake my head while I try not to look at him.

"Please tell me, you have me worried," he whispers as he manages to create eye contact.

"I just," I begin only to take a pause about how to word my next sentence.

"I just have a few questions I want to ask you," I say quietly while I play with the cuffs on his shirt.

"You know you can ask me anything. What is is about?" He asks with a smile across his face.

"They're about Becky," I whisper and that's when his smile drops.

He takes two steps away from me and rubs the back of his neck as he sighs exasperatedly. I frown knowing that this conversation go a good way or a bad way. He then simply looks at me, which I won't lie, it was quite intimidating.

"What do you want to know?" There is no emotion in his voice. It's simple and slightly blunt.

"I just want to know if there is any history between you two," I say quietly that I'm surprised he heard me.

He looks away from me and sighs once again before sitting on the sofa that is just beside him. He leans his elbows on his thighs and looks into my direction. It's obvious to me that there is history between them, the only thing that isn't obvious, is whether that history was good or bad.

"There is history between me and Becky," he eventually says and I nod even though he isn't looking at my head.

Playing with the cuffs on his shirt, I don't dare to look at him and I just hope that any second now that the doorbell rings, but I have to keep baring in mind that Aston only ordered the food five minutes ago, and it'll take about 20 minutes to get here. It felt like forever before something was said.

"Baby," he says softly and I slowly look at him. "Sit down, please."

From what he says, I slowly sit at the other end of the sofa.

"Come here," he continues the softness in his voice.

Slowly looking at him, he then pats the free space next to him. Taking a second to think about it, I then move my way over to the space next to him. He does not touch me.

"How much of the history do you want to know?" He asks softly and quietly, but I shrug for an answer. "Let me just say now, that all the history between me and Becky means nothing to me now."

I nod, but there's a minute silence and the look on his face suggests to me that he's thinking about how to word what he's going to say. Or reliving what happened.

"I and Becky were together for three years," he begins. "We met in our English class and we became very close, and became best of friends. She was my first for a lot of things. However, we went to prom together, as a couple. A few people smuggled alcohol into the prom and both I and Becky got quite drunk and we had sex. Two weeks later, she told me she was pregnant with my child. We told our parents, but it was Becky's desicion to get it aborted. She didn't care how much I, my parents or her parents persuaded her to keep it, she aborted it anyway. To say I was heart broken was an understatment, not only that, she moved away a month later and we lost contact. I hadn't seen her since till she came into your hospital room,"

To say I was shocked would be an understatment. He really did have a history with this girl, I mean, he nearly had a baby with the girl! But something came back to me.

"How can that not mean anything to you? You nearly had a baby with her!" I squeal out of desperation.

"It doesn't mean anything because the baby isn't here is it? I was SO angry with her for aborting our baby, to the point, I told her I was glad she was moving away," his voice is mixed with upset and anger, and I feel guilty because I'm making him relive these memories.

"Then how come you were so calm when you saw her?" I ask, and I notice the upset that escaped with my voice.

"Because... the night before she left, I went round her house. I told her how sorry I was and we had sex. We became good friends again after that."

"When did you break up?" 

"When she told me she got it aborted."

The silence that followed was deafening, but thankfully it wasn't long till the doorbell rung.

"I'll get it," he says and gets up without looking at me.

For the rest of the night, everything he told me spun around in my head and I couldn't remove it. We were also completely silent with each other, and I was scared that I upset him.

Once we ate our dinner, he washed up before putting his jacket on. Bare in mind, we had gotten dressed before ate dinner.

"Where are you going?" I ask quietly.

"Home," he replies, and his tone still hasn't changed.

"Why? Aren't you staying over the night?" I ask desperately.

"No, I'm going home," he hissed suddenly and I frown.

"I'm sorry that I asked. I just wanted to know if there was anything between you and Becky," I say quietly which makes him stop and sigh.

"I know, but I need time to myself now," he says before walking out of the door.

Wow, I must have really ruined things between us.

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