Chapter 2

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Walking through my front door, I sigh as the girl I had a date with tonight was once again, not the one. Hanging my coat up and taking my shoes off, I wonder into the living room and switch the TV on while I slump down on my sofa.

For a long hour, I was doing nothing, just flicking through the channels on the TV mindlessly. A text on my phone brought me out of my thoughts.

[Tour starts in 2 weeks! M]

Ha, Marvin always texts me randomly about anything random.

[Yes! I'm super excited A]

I text back to get a reply almost instantly.

[You might find a girl, you never know. Talking of girls how was your date? M]

[Not amazing but it was okay. I won't be seeing her again though; it was difficult for me to get her to say something. Horribly enough, I was happy when we finished A]

[Oh wow :( I think you need a break from dating. Your reputation could be going down while you're dating so many girls. Start again after tour M]

Marvin was always the wise one. He even said how he sees me as a little brother so he's always advising me what to do, just because he wants me out of harms reach.

[Thanks bro! I'll do that A]

Without waiting for a reply, I switch my phone off and the TV off before heading upstairs. Doing my nightly routine, I get into my lonely bed once again and imagine how it must be for a man with the love of his life lying next to him at night. It must be amazing to have that. It must be amazing to love someone who loves you just as much back, who tries to help you through all your thick and thin problems, and makes you laugh. I think of this often and it always brings me to tears, and so once again... I'm crying myself to sleep.

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