Chapter 11

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Slowly waking up, I felt something stroke my cheek causing me to open my eyes and look to my left. There (Your name) sat, smiling sweetly, while stroking my cheek. I’ve realized that we’re in the same position before we both fell asleep.

“Hello,” I whisper to her.

“Hello,” she whispers back with a smile while dropping her finger from my cheek and resting her hand onto my chest, I take in a deep breath as she does.

“How long do we have left?” I ask in whisper.

“An hour,” she whispers back and then runs her hand through my hair. I once again take in a deep breath of relaxation. My eyes shut softly and I cuddle her more into me, I feel her giggle as I do so. Her arms wrap around my neck but her hand still runs through my hair.

After an hour, the plane had touched down and the group had waited for the suitcases.

“So you two, did you enjoy your cuddle?” Aleena says cheekily as she stands next to me and (Your name).  I hear (Your name) giggle innocently, and I shake my head with a smirk while putting my arm around (Your name)’s shoulder.

The hotel was different from any hotel I’ve been in. Instead of having your really fancy hotel rooms, you had cosy huts that were complete with a nice bedroom, kitchen area, bathroom and lounge. It was like a magic trick since that outside looks tiny but the inside is HUGE. The huts were on a high stilt like stand with stairs to get up to. My hut was next to (Your name)’s so I wouldn’t be far away from making trouble.

(Your name)’s POV:

Walking around my hotel hut, I was delighted with everything I had. The back of the hut was facing the beach, so walking out onto the balcony gave me the most beautiful sight of the beach. Biting my lip, I begin to think on starting to sun bathe since the sun is shining directly onto my balcony, but just as I turn to walk into the hut, I see Aston standing on his balcony.

“A view huh,” he says and nods towards the beach making me smile.

“Sure is,” I reply before making my way into my hotel hut to sort out my bikini to hit the pool in.

“Babe,” I hear Aston call from his balcony causing me to drop my bikini on my bed and jog my way over to my balcony.

“Yeah,” I reply as I step out onto my balcony.

“Are you hitting the pool?” he asks and I nod in reply.

“Okay, see you down there then,” he smirks with a wink making my cheeks burn a little. I too make my way back into my room before starting to get dressed into my bikini and beach cover up.

Aston’s POV:

Waiting with the lads by the bar, I took a sip out of my drink just as I saw the girls making their way over to the pool. However, (Your name)’s toned body caught my attention causing me to stare. She’s wearing a leopard print cover up around her waist, but her bikini was black. Her bikini compliments her body and I bite my lip as I watch her remove the cover up.

“Why don’t you just go over to her?” I hear Marvin whisper to me and I smirk.

“I might just,” I whisper back before looking over my shoulder to smirk. Getting off the stool, I swiftly make my way over to the girls.

“Hello gorgeous,” I whisper into (Your name)’s left ear as I stand behind her, my arms wrap around her waist before burying my face into the side of her neck. She giggles with a grin.

“Hello handsome,” she replies back in whisper and I smirk.

“You look sexy,” I whisper to her and she bites her lip.

“Thank you,” she whispers and I smirk.

“You look sexy too,” she replies causing me to smirk even more before biting my lip.

Running the tip of my tongue along my bottom lip, I then slide my top lip along my now wet bottom lip before pressing a tender kiss onto her neck. She gasps quietly causing me to smirk and bite my bottom lip.

“Go have fun,” I then whisper before letting her go, but she’s quick to turn around only to see me walk away from her. I smirk as I walk.

Diana’s POV:

Me, Aleena and Chloe were watching Aston and (Your name) subtly. We watch how he buries his head into her neck and they say a couple of things to each other, but it seemed quite suddenly when her face seemed to be of pleasure. However, not long afterwards, Aston walks away from her leaving (Your name) looking in the need of more. (Your name) slowly gets into the water and makes her way over to us.

“What happened?” Aleena asks just as (Your name) gets to us.

“He kissed me,” she says quietly and frowns a little.

“Isn’t that a good thing?” Chloe asks with confusion in her voice.

“Yeah but, it’s making me like him more,” she says quietly.

“He most likely likes you too. I’m sure a man wouldn’t just kiss you for the hell of it,” Aleena says and I nod in agreement.

“I know, but I’m just trying to be safe since I don’t want to get hurt,” she says quietly while looking at Aleena with a you-know-what-I-mean look.

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