Chapter 8

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(Your name)’s POV:

It was the day the whole group was going out to do some holiday shopping. To be honest, I’m really nervous since I know Aston will be there. Usually, I’d be excited and think nothing of the man that I’m in a quarrel about, but something about me is changing and I have no idea what, and I’m not exactly sure if I like it. Even Aleena would tell you that I’m the kind of girl that draws in a man but never gets into a relationship with them. I’m not saying that I’m a player, but it only happens to men that decide that they want to get to know me and then get caught up in the fire. However, Aston has managed to walk away without getting caught up and that’s really making me tick. I don’t know how to keep his attention and I’m scared I’ll lose it. Even though it’s been a year, and last time he didn’t change much, I’m hoping he still hasn’t changed and that I can try my nice card.

For today’s shop, I’m wearing black high top converse, a black skater skirt with a white blouse along with a black bow tie. I feel that I need to impress Aston just so that I can get the chance of talking to him, otherwise I’ll just have to start talking to him. I’m also hoping that I can get some alone time with him to see how he’ll act with me, I’m just hoping it all goes well.

“Where are the others?” I ask Aleena while we walk into Westfield.

“They are on the top floor seating area,” she replies just as we get onto the escalator that takes us up on the second floor.

Silently taking a deep breath, I feel myself becoming nervous at seeing Aston again, which causes me to swallow hard. Stepping off the escalator, I follow Aleena to where the group apparently are, and where we were, you could see the group.

“I’m nervous,” I whisper to Aleena.

“Why?” she asks confused.

“Because I'll be seeing Aston,” I whisper just as we get to the group. Glancing around quickly, I see that Aston isn’t even here and I feel a frown perform on my face.

“Aston will be here in a second, a couple of fans spotted him in the car park and wanted some pictures,” JB announces for the frown to drop from my face. I didn’t want to smile just in case it gave anything away.

10 minutes later and a voice suddenly said.

“Sorry I’m late, got caught up with some fans.”

And that voice was so recognizable. Since it came from behind me, I turned my head to see that the spikes had been cut and replaced with small curls, the goatie has now disappeared and the clothes that he is wearing... My God he is beautiful! I had no idea that I was staring at him until he was staring back with a raised eyebrow. Suddenly looking away, I flush a bright red and step closer to Chloe causing her arm to curl around my shoulders.

“Just talk to him,” she whispered and I nodded. I really was determined to talk to him and I have no idea what he’s doing to me.

Aston’s POV:

Walking with my hands tucked into my jeans pocket, Marvin was in a conversation with me while we walked around Westfield looking for new things to buy for this holiday to Mexico. I was SUPER excited about this holiday! It’s going to be amazing!

“I see that (Your name) is constantly looking at you,” he whispers and I glance over my shoulder to catch her looking at me. Once she knew I caught her, she quickly looked in a different direction while flushing a bright red. Marvin’s sentence makes me smirk with a slight chuckle.

“I think she wants to talk to you too,” he says and I look at him with a confused look. “Just to insult me?” I ask with sarcasm.

“I don’t think so,” I then add.

“No, I’m sure she just wants to talk to you,” he says and I shrug my shoulders.

(Your name)’s POV:

I was failing miserably! I couldn’t find the courage to talk to him and it was really making me upset.

“Guys, I’m just going in here, I’ll catch up,” I announced before heading into TopShop while some people nodded and then wondered off. Without looking at the rest of the group, I make my way into TopShop with a huge frown on my face.

Aston’s POV:

Without looking at (Your name), I was about to continue to walk with the rest of the group until I was stopped. Looking over my shoulder, I see Marvin signalling, with his head, to go after (Your name).

“No,” I said simply.

“Why not? She wants to talk to you, I know she does. She seems really miserable,” he says and I sigh heavily.

“Go on! I bet she’ll be nice to you,” he says.

(Your name)’s POV:

Standing at the back of the shop, I was looking at a nice beach cover up until I was distracted by a presence behind me. Turning my head, he stands there looking at a top. I quickly look back in front of me to smile uncontrollably. Turning around, I smile softly.

“Hi,” I begin for him to look at me with a raised eyebrow.

“Hi,” he replies and seems cautious.

“How are you?” I ask.

“I’m good, how are you?” he asks and is still cautious.

“I’m good thanks,” I reply with a smile. That’s when an awkward silence brewed.

“Aston, I just want to apologize for how horrible I was to you. You were right, I am a arrogant, stuck up, selfish little bitch and I really do apologize,” I say quietly and look to the floor.

“It’s okay, and I’m sorry too,” he says and out of surprise, I quickly look up at him.

“Sorry for what?” I ask confused.

“For being horrible back,” he says.

“Oh no, I honestly understand why. I just thought it was a good game that I was having and didn’t realize that I was actually insulting you,” I said quietly and the look of shame crosses my face.

“It’s okay,” he says with a smile making me smile.

“Can we start again?” I ask and he smiles.

“I’d like that,” he replies and I grin.

“Thanks!” I reply delightfully causing him to chuckle.

“So how old are you?” I ask while we’re still in TopShop.

“I’m twenty four, what about you?” he asks.

“I’m twenty three,” I reply and he smirks. Something about that smirk causes butterflies and it makes me bite my lip, he sees this and copies my action.

My breathing quickens a little and my lips part, and since we’re still at the back of the shop and slightly hidden, he takes a step forward almost pushing me inbetween a rail of clothes. Since his body is so close to mine, my hands lie onto his waist and it causes him to smirk.

“You’re undeniably cheeky,” he whispers and I feel myself pant under his spell.

“You’re undeniably hot,” I whisper.

“Ah finally, I get complimented,” he says while taking a step back and I can see the look of cheekiness run across his face. Still standing where I am, my mouth opens in shock before I begin to chase him out of the shop. Finally, we were getting along!

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