Chapter 5

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Eventually finding somewhere to park, I and Aleena get out of the car before making our way towards Hyde Park since that is where we are meeting the lads.

“Excited to see Aston,” Aleena suddenly says and I can hear the torment in her voice.

“No,” I mumble back causing her to laugh.

“I bet he’s excited to see you,” she continues to tease.

“He shouldn’t be,” I mumble again causing her to smile and shake her head.

“You’re so miserable!” she exclaims as a joke and I scowl at her.

“He’s just a boy, he doesn’t know what he’s getting himself into,” I reply and she shakes her head once again.

“You’ve always given men such a hard time,” she giggles and I pull a face when she wasn’t looking.

Getting across Hyde Park, I see four lads and two girls by a tree - the girls sitting down and the lads standing up. Since I and Aleena were heading towards them, I realized that the lads were JLS and the two girls were Chloe and Diana. Chloe and Diana are too my best friends and they are in a relationship with JB and Oritsé. However, I scowl when I see Aston standing in between Oritsé and Marvin but since he has back to me, I know he won’t see me scowl.

“You love him really,” Aleena whispers into my ear since she must have caught me scowling.

“No, and I don’t plan to,” I whisper back and quickly swap to the other side of Aleena so that I am far away from Aston as I can possibly be.

Aston’s POV:

“Hey guys!” I hear a female voice call from behind me and as I turn my head to see who it is, the girl that saw a year ago was walking with Aleena.

Since I last saw her she’s gotten more beautiful and I bite my lip as I look at what she’s wearing. Hopefully my dress sense today is better than she said it was last time. I’m wearing a charcoal grey shirt, yellow-ish chinos and black boots. However, I pretend that I don’t see her and look away like she’s not even there.

(Your name)’s POV:

For most of the day, I stayed well away from Aston and I seemed to succeed, but I noticed that he began to act like I’m not even there which did hurt a little. Since we were in a café, Aston offered to order and pay for drinks, and snacks if we wanted any. He’d gone round to everyone else but me before going up to order. Frowning, I look over the table to Aleena who had spotted what he did before shrugging her shoulders, it’s clear that he has left her confused. Putting what happened to the back of my mind, I get my phone out and begin to muck about on it... Looking up, everyone has gone except from Aston who is at the other end of the table eating a slice of cake. Scowling, I look around the café looking for the others but I can’t see one of them in sight. Looking back at Aston, he continues to eat the slice of cake like he’s on his own.

“Where are the others?” I eventually ask.

“Oh, the bitch has a tongue,” he says and I take full offense of him calling me a bitch.

“Excuse me?” I ask bitterly.

“Gladly,” he gestures as though I was going to move myself out from the booth.

“You’re so stuck up,” I hiss quietly and he smirks.

“Says the person who insulted me on my dress sense and then ran away,” he says and I clench my jaw on how annoyed he’s getting me. He seems to notice and smirks.

“Your dress sense isn’t any better,” I hiss again.

“It’s a good thing it wasn’t aimed for you then,” he says and looks across the café to a lone girl who is smiling sweetly at him, and from what I can see, he’s just winked at her.

“Just answer my question,” I hiss and slide up the booth to sit in front of him.

“I will if you’re nice about it,” he says and finishes the slice of cake.

“Will you please tell me where the others are?” I ask sarcastically.

“Drop the sarcasm and I’ll tell you,” he says and I can feel myself getting angrier with him.

“Fine! Will you please tell me where the others are?” I ask politely.

“Yeah sure, they left like half an hour ago to continue shopping,” he says and my mouth falls open.

Walking behind Aston like I’m a scolded child, I frown since Aleena had left me with Aston. Looking up at him, I notice he’s gone which causes me to stop in the middle of the street before quickly looking for him behind me. Not being able to spot him, I begin to panic before looking just into a shop to see him standing there and looking at me with a facial expression of: have-you-found-me-yet. My cheeks flush a bright red and I timidly make my way over to him for him to smirk and shake his head.

“You’re cute when you panic,” he teases and my cheeks get hotter.

“Shut up,” I mumble causing him to chuckle.

“Why are we in here?” I ask.

“I just want to have a look at this shirt,” he says and picks up a red chequered top from a clothes rail.

“That would look horrific on you,” I say nastily with a smirk.

“Looks horrific on you but you don’t see me complaining,” he says simply and I glance down at my top since I forgot that my top was red and chequered. He takes the top and heads to the checkout.

“You’re actually going to buy it?” I ask sarcastically.

“Yes because you’re not my mum and I can wear what I want to wear,” he replies while he puts the top in front of the girl who is smiling sweetly at him. He smirks back and charms her while he fishes his wallet out of his pocket and handing her the money and receiving his top in a bag.

“See you soon gorgeous,” he says seductively to her for her to smile sweetly with a rosy colour in her cheeks while he turns and walks away from her. What a player.

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