Chapter 10

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The day of flying out to Mexico and I’m SUPER excited! I get to spend the next two weeks with Aston, as well as the group, and have an amazing time. I’m not going to lie, but I honestly think I’ve built some feelings for Aston in the short space of time that we’ve really gotten on. I mean, the day after Aston had dropped me off home from shopping, he had come back round my house to spend the day with me in my bedroom watching movies, eating popcorn and having a popcorn fight. He’s honestly SO amazing that I could go on about him forever!

“Come on Aleena!” I call up the stairs since she was just in the loo.

“Hold on!” She calls back with humour in her voice.

“Come on, I wanna see Aston!” I call and blurt out causing her to run out of the toilet.

“You what?” she asks and I stand there biting my lip with wide eyes of fright.

“Is this the sound of feelings?” she asks while going back into the toilet which I assume is to dry her hands.

“Little ones but not anything big,” I say innocently.

“Good, you need to like someone and you can build those feelings,” she says while coming out of the toilet and making her way down the stairs, but I shake my head.

“I doubt he likes me because of how rude I was to him,” I sigh sadly.

“So? How has he been with you? He acts like you two are best friends, I’m sure in no time he’ll like you too,” she says and I grin.

“Do you think so?” I ask like a little child while we head towards the door where the taxi is.

“Of course, I have a feeling that this holiday with be full of romance between you two,” she says with a hint of humour causing me to blush and smile. I really hope she’s right.

Getting to the airport, I and Aleena found the group in the waiting area to board the plane. Hugging each of the group, I stand with my back facing WHSmith.

“Hey! Where’s my hug?” I hear a voice from behind me causing me to jump and turn to see Aston looking absolutely gorgeous!

He was wearing a white shirt with a maroon tie with a grey jumper along with pale blue jeans and white high top converse. With his arms out, I simply step towards him and ring my arms around his neck, the grip he has on his arms is so gentle but you can feel the muscle ripple through his arms. I could stay like this forever, but all too soon our hug finished and I stepped away from him so that I could turn back to the group. As I did, I felt an arm slither around my shoulders and I grin subtly since I knew it was Aston. I really don’t know the affect he is having on me.

Aleena’s POV:

Sitting on Marvin’s lap, sideways, I was nibbling his ear just before I caught the hug that only I seemed to have noticed. Honestly, he’s really going to make this holiday worth the while for her and I’m over the moon she finally likes him. Continuing to watch the two, I saw how happy she looked when he slithered his arm around her shoulders.

“They’ll get together soon,” I whisper to Marvin causing him to glance at (Your name) and Aston before looking at me and grinning. His left arm attaches to my right thigh and gives it a gentle squeeze.

“Not yet. Give it a month or two,” he whispers before placing a gentle kiss onto my lips.

Aston’s POV:

Boarding the plane, I realized I was sitting next to (Your name) but I had the window seat.

“Hello stranger,” I said, as she sat down, causing her to giggle and grin.

“Hello trouble,” she replied causing me to wink and smirk before biting my lip, her eyes shoot to my lips and seems to part her lips a little. I know the affect that has on her.

Within less than 10 minutes of getting on the plane, the plane had taken off and we were heading our way to Mexico. It must have been about half way through the flight, since this is roughly a nine hour flight, when I felt a head land onto my shoulder which startled me. Looking at the head, I’ve realized that (Your name) had fallen asleep and the position she was in looked really uncomfortable.

“Babe,” I whispered causing her to half wake up.

“Do you want to sleep on my lap?” I asked quietly and she nodded.

With a grin, I left the arm rest up and unbuckle her belt for her before moving her to sit on my lap, her head falls gently onto my left shoulder and immediately starts to fall asleep again. Her legs lounged out in front of her. Since I was watching a film and had paused it to move (Your name), I resumed it while wrapping my left arm around her waist and leaving my arm on her thighs. Leaning my head gently against hers, I then continue to watch the film but could eventually feel my eyes get heavier.

Aleena’s POV:

Shuffling out of my seat, I was making my way to the toilets when something on the corner of my eye had caught my attention. Stopping and looking to my right, I saw that (Your name) and Aston were cuddled up and fast asleep. Grinning, I rush back to get my phone to take a picture, and once I had, I showed Marvin which made him grin before I put my phone back, but Marvin wanted to see how (Your name) and Aston were for real life and got up out of his seat to see. I then made my way to the toilet. Grinning with the thought of how cute (Your name) and Aston would be as a couple.

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