Chapter 17

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Aston’s POV:

Since I and (Your name) didn’t want the group to find out about what’s happening between us so far, (Your name) hid under the duvet of the bed while I got up, put something around my waist and then walked up to the door. Opening it, Marvin was stood there in his swimming shorts.

“Are you coming down? It’s almost half twelve,” he says and I must have looked shocked.

“Sorry, I kind of over slept,” I say and rub the back of my neck.

“That’s alright,” he says and I see that his eyes wonder, and must have come into contact with the lump in my bed.

“I can see why,” he says and winks, which makes me smirk – he now knows I had sex last night.

“Have you seen (Your name) by the way?” he asks.

“No, not since last night,” I reply.

“Why?” I ask interested.

“She isn’t in her room, and the girls are worried about her. They think she’s wondered off since she was really upset yesterday,” he says and I frown.

“I’ll come look for her after I get my shower,” I say and nods.

“Cool, I’ll see you by the bar in half an hour?” he asks and I nod before he walks away and I shut the door.

“Baby,” I call and she looks over her shoulder at me.

“Shower,” I say with a nod of my head towards the bathroom.

She smiles before swinging her legs out of my bed and walking, naked, to the bathroom, I couldn’t help but stare and smirk.

“So beautiful,” I whisper to her causing her to grin innocently while we walk into the bathroom.

“How am I going to get out? I need to go back to my hotel room to change for a start,” (Your name) says as she dries her hair with a towel, while I’m holding her waist in my arms.

“Well, I’ll go out and see where the others are and if they’re not around then you can run past me and go into your hotel room and I’ll just act normal and go to the lads. Where are you going to be?” I ask her.

“There’s that hut thing on the beach, I can be there,” she says and I place two kisses on her neck.

“Okay baby,” I say softly before going into my room to get something for (Your name) to wear to go back to her room with.

“I’ll see you in a bit,” I whisper to her and peck her lips just before she runs down the stairs of my hut and is quick to get into her own, I then walk over to the bar where I can see the lads.

“You alright lads,” I say as I walk over to them and order a coke while they say their greetings to me.

“So what is this about (Your name) missing?” I ask and take a sip from my drink, but behind the lads, I could see (Your name) running down her stairs and past between mine and her hut to get to the beach.

“She’s not been seen since last night and we have no idea where she is,” Marvin explains and I nod.

"Have you not checked the beach?” I ask.

“Yeah, double checked everywhere and we still can’t find her,” JB says and I can see the concern across his face. I know where she was last night. I thought cheekily and smirked inwardly.

“Is that including the back pathway?” I ask and they all nod.

“What about that hut thing over there?” I ask and they look at each other before sprinting off. It’s clear that they didn’t.

(Your name)’s POV:

I wish I could tell the girls EVERYTHING that’s happened between me and Aston in the last few hours, but if I want something to work between me and Aston, I have to keep my mouth closed.

“(Your name),” I can hear my name being called and I look over my shoulder to see JB, Marvin and Oritsé running over to me.

“What’s wrong lads?” I ask and stand up from the stool that I was sitting on.

“Where have you been?” JB asks me.

“I was just walking around clearing my head,” I lie.

“Last night?” Marvin asks.

“Yeah, and I’ve been here for most of the morning, I was walking around this morning too,” I once again lie.

“But we couldn’t find you anywhere,” Oritsé sounds like he is panicking.

“I just wanted to be by myself, but thanks for looking for me anyway,” I say softly and they smile.

Knowing the answer to it already, I ask anyway.

“How come you guys have only just come over here?” I ask with a look of interest.

“Aston suggested it to us and we realized that we hadn’t actually come over here,” Marvin says and I nod.

“I’ll come back to the pool with you guys, I just need to change into my bikini,” I say with a smile and they nod.

“See you in a bit,” Oritsé says.

“And no running off,” JB jokes causing me to giggle.

“I won’t,” I reply with humour in my voice before walking off into the direction of my hotel hut. To be honest, I couldn’t wait to get back to London for mine and Aston’s date!

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