Chapter 12

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Later that night, I and the girls were getting ready in (Your name)’s hut. Once we were all dressed and ready to go, we stepped out of the hut to see the lads ready and waiting at the bottom of the stairs. Grinning, we begin to carefully walk down the stairs towards the lads before separating to go to our boyfriends, but (Your name) would just stick around with Aston.

(Your name)’s POV:

Sticking with Aston for the taxi journey, we soon arrived at the club. I was in a red dress with a silver belt that just ran under the bust, and black heels with silver studs. My hair was loosely curled and my makeup was left naturally.

“You look beautiful tonight,” a voice whispered into my left ear and I grin as I know who it is.

“Thank you,” I whisper back before looking at him and smiling. He attaches his right arm around my waist before guiding me through into the club. Immediately, the blaring music hits my ears and the strobe lighting almost blinds me.

“Come on,” I hear Aston shout over the music, and I realize that the group are moving off to a booth near the back. Aston stands just ahead of me with his right hand stretched out making me take it with my left hand immediately. He then walks me down the side of the dance floor to the booth.

Drinking, laughing and dancing, the group were having such a great time! I was on the dance floor with Aleena, JB and Oritsé. Marvin, Chloe and Diana were by the bar. I had no idea where Aston was. Continuing to dance, I just happened to glance over to the booth where Aston was with a girl, they were just casually talking but by her movements and his facial expression it looked as though they were flirting. Watching with jealousy, she creeps closer to him before shyly placing her lips onto his. Even though she did it slowly, he didn’t stop her. After a moment of kissing, I thought we was going to push her away only to place his left hand onto the right side of her neck and move his right hand lower down her body. Standing there with a huge frown, I feel hurt and my heart sinks.

Without thinking, I rush out of the club and quickly flag down a taxi. Along the taxi journey back to the hotel, my tears begin to flow down my cheeks as the image of the girl and Aston invades my mind. I cried quietly in the back of the taxi until the taxi reached the hotel. My crying became harsher as I quickly took off my shoes and ran to my hotel hut. Almost diving into my hotel hut, I throw my shoes onto the floor along with my bag and quickly walk to go into the bathroom. The sight of my makeup running down my face almost horrifies me but I soon make a tiny pool in the sink to wash my makeup off.

Within no time, I was in bed facing the balcony with the open doors. Not even wanting to imagine what Aston will be doing with the girl, I begin to think of ways to get back at him and the only way I can think of is to pull. Yeah, you know what? I am going to pull, I’m going to find a guy, pull him and kiss him in Aston’s face like he did to me.

Aston’s POV:

“Do you want to come back to my hotel room?” I whisper to the girl seductively causing her to bite her lip and nod. Her hands glide down my chest making me smirk.

“Let’s go then,” I whisper to her before we both get out of the booth and our hands connect so that I can lead her out of the club.

Soon getting into my hotel, I pressed her up against my door and laid my lips onto hers. Her hands immediately start unbuttoning my shirt and my hands go to the back of her dress to unzip it. Just as I undo the zip, her dress pools around her ankles before she kicks it to the side along with her heels but while she does, she pushes my shirt off my shoulders before peeling her lips away from mine to look down to my stomach. Her teeth sink into her lower lip as her fingers trace over my skin making me take a deep breath. She looks up at me before laying a kiss onto my chest. I smirk as she does so but she walks me backwards to the bed and pushes me down onto it, she then climbs onto me and straddles my waist. Smirking I watch as she peels off her bra before leaning over me to kiss me. I couldn’t wait to start having sex with her.

(Your name)’s POV:

I woke up later than I expected to. According to the clock on my phone, I woke up at 11:47am. However, I didn’t delay on wanting to test out my plan, so I quickly got a shower and dressed in one of my other bikinis. Putting my cover up on, grabbing my bag and putting my ray-bans on, I make my way out of my hut and made my way to the pool. From the top of the stairs, I could see where the girls were and I made a route of where I was going. Firstly, I’d go to the girls to get a sun lounger, and then I’d make my way to the bar so that I could get myself a drink. Hopefully, while I’m there, I could get chatted up and that’ll be the start of my plan.

“Hey girls,” I call delightfully and set my bag onto a empty sun lounger.

“Hey,” they call back the same way, but I’ve noticed that Aston was on the sun lounger next to mine and he was lounging on it, looking at me. Completely ignoring his presence, I sit on the side of my sun lounger with my back turned to him.

“How are you?” I ask the girls and they smile.

“We’re good,” they reply before asking how I am. Obviously, I’m in a delightful mood since I have a good feeling that my plan will work.

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