Chapter 7

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Aston’s POV:

“You okay mate?” Marvin asks and I nod.

“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?” I ask with a chuckle making him smile.

“Just that you were really upset with (Your name) yesterday,” he says and I turn my head away to sigh.

“Yeah, she just got on my nerves with her attitude but other than that I’m not bothered about her,” I say quietly making him nod.

“So you don’t want anything to do with her anymore,” he says and I nod.

“I really don’t. I’m just going to find someone else. Someone who has a nice attitude and won’t try their hardest to insult me,” I say which makes Marvin smile while I turn to walk into the kitchen.

“What if she apologized to you? Would you consider her again?” Marvin asks while he comes into the kitchen and I shake my head.

“No,” I say abruptly.

“How come?” I ask.

“No reason,” he said and begins to make himself a coffee.

(Your name)’s POV:

The following year had been quite different for me. Throughout most of the year, Aston was on my mind about the way he talks, the way he moves and just the way he is. Something has been making me feel bad about the way I have spoken to him and how nasty I must have been. Usually I would have wanted to make an impression, but something was telling me that I should do quite the opposite, and this is the ending result: feeling bad, feeling guilty and feeling stupid. I haven’t made any sort of attempt to apologize to Aston simply because I would want to do it to his face, but I never knew that the next few weeks would make me change in the way I feel about him.

Diana’s POV:

I, Oritsé, Aleena and Marvin had been spending the day out as though it was a double date. We’d spent the day in London relaxing, laughing and just mucking about and that’s what we were doing in Hyde Park.

Standing up, I was allowing my legs to stretch when (Your name) and Aston popped into my head.

“Do you reckon that (Your name) and Aston make a good couple?” I ask to make the others look up at me.

“I do,” Aleena says with her hand up as though she’s in a class room.

“I do too, but they won’t get together,” Marvin says and I frown while glancing at Oritsé.

“Why not?” I ask.

“She’s been rude to him and it’s insulted him,” Marvin says and I frown.

“So we won’t forgive her?” Oritsé asks.

“He will, but he just won’t want anything to do with her,” Marvin replies and I frown.

“Would you be willing to try and get them together?” Aleena asks as though she speaks my unspoken thought.

“I would,” Oritsé says.

“And I would too,” I chip in causing Marvin to look at us and shake his head with a smile.

“Yeah, I suppose I’ll help,” he says but sounds unsure.

“Then why don’t we go away on holiday? It can be something for all of us and something of a start for Aston and (Your name),” I suggest and Aleena grins.

“I’m up for it!” Aleena squeals making the three of us giggle.

“Me too,” Oritsé says.

“I’m in too,” Marvin says.

“Then we can get planning and chip in the others,” I say excitedly.

Marvin’s POV:

Getting into my house, I walked over to my laptop and booted it up. The holiday plan was going to be booked by me, but I was trying to find a place to go and some plane tickets to get. After finding a nice hotel in Mexico and some plane tickets, I then called up Diana to make sure if that was okay since this was all her idea. She too was happy with everything and told me that she would be phoning Oritsé, (Your name) and Chloe, where I said that I would phone Aleena, Aston and JB.

Phoning, booking tickets, and booking a hotel, both I and Diana had everything sorted! It was a little stressful since I needed to make sure that I had five hotel rooms, eight plane tickets and that I everyone knew what they were getting. To say I was thankful after all of it was sorted would be an understatement. To be honest, I was really excited about this holiday and I couldn’t wait to find out what would happen, but a slight problem occurred.

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