Chapter 22

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It's been a few weeks since the meet up, and everyone is still suspicious about Aston and (Your name). Marvin had rung Aston, and he claimed he felt ill and went to take a nap. He went on to say that he'd switched his phone off just in case we spam his phone and by the time he woke up, he was too late to come to the meet up. However, everyone was asking about (Your name)'s date and she said that she had an amazing time with him since he made her an indoor date - she still won't tell us who with though,

The group were out in London and in a little cosy restuarant just off Oxford street. We were all in the booth at the front of the restuarant. I was sat between Aston and Chloe, but on Aston's side is the end of the booth. Next to Chloe is Aleena and Marvin, then Diana and Oritsé, and lastly (Your name). Since everyone had a day off, we all just decided to have a group catch up, but this time, with Aston and (Your name) there.

"So (Your name), how was your date?" Aleena asked while she took a sip from her coke.

"It was amazing! We spent our date indoors, and it was just lovely. We had an Chinese takeaway, watched a film with a bottle of wine, and cuddled up on the sofa," she says lovingly and seems to be in a dream about her date. However, I noticed that Aston seemed to be smirking subtly.

"What does the guy look like?" I ask and I notice Aston's face drops.

"He's mixed race, black hair, quite tall and is thin," she lists without looking at Aston.

"How old is he?" Marvin asks.

"Thirty," she says and it comes as a bit of a shock to the group. That definately isn't Aston then, but I stilll notice the smirk on Aston's face.

"What about you Aston? Have you got a date yet?" Oritsé asks.

"I do thanks for asking," he says.

"How old is she?" I ask.

"Twenty three," he answers before picking up his glass of coke and taking a sip.

"What does she look like?" Chloe asks.

"Brunette, thin, quite small, has the got the most beautiful brown eyes and has a soft voice," he lists and I notice that (Your name) is trying to stifle her blush.

"Maybe we should do a house party and you two can bring your dates along," Aleena says and I notice that Aston and (Your name) freeze in snyc. Now that's got them stuck.

"I can try bring him along, but I'm not sure that he will," (Your name) says genuinely.

"Yeah, I'll bring her along," Aston blurts out and I see that (Your name) glances over at Aston with a blank expression.

Whatever is going on between those two, this party could make or break them.

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