Chapter 16

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Since the group had gone out later that evening, I’d gone back to my hotel room to change into my shorts and bikini top since in Mexico, the air is still hot even at night. Sitting on a sun lounger, I look over to the swimming pool before putting my hands onto my head. Neither I nor Aston haven’t even made an attempt to talk to each other let alone talk to each other. To be honest, I think the one night stand has ruined the little that we had and I’m honestly upset. I really did start to like Aston and his cheeky ways but we all make decisions that causes things to happen that we never thought would happen. It would be some miracle if I and Aston talk again, but as though it was some miracle had just happened, a masculine voice so recognizable said:

“Hello,” softly.

Looking up, I see Aston standing there smiling awkwardly.

“Hi,” I reply softly.

“Can I sit with you?” he asks and I nod before he sits on the sun lounger next to mine. When his bum hits the sun lounger, he looks over to me and smiles.

“I think we need to talk about last night,” he says and I nod.

“I’m sorry I left you this morning, I just didn’t know what to do,” I say softly and frown.

“That’s fine, I would have done the same thing for the same reason,” he says and I smile.

“Look err- I’m not sure how much you remember of last night but-”

“I don’t remember anything, I think I was too drunk to remember,” I say and I notice a frown perform on his face.

“Oh,” he replies.

Aston’s POV:

She didn’t remember last night? For some reason that hurt me more than it should have done. I don’t know why I’m so bothered, but the thing is... I do know why. I’ve fallen for (Your name) and I’ve fallen pretty hard. She’s undeniably beautiful, she’s funny and you can be yourself in her company. She’s the type of girl that I’ve always wanted but has been so hard to find. Even though we haven’t got on most of the time, she is the girl I’d like to call mine.

“Would you like me to tell you what happened?” I ask quietly as I look at her to see her smile before she nods.

“I remember we were at the bar and that’s it,” she says and I smile.

“Well, we came back here and I took you to my room since we both got pretty drunk. When we got in, we made eye contact and started to kiss up against my door. One thing lead to another and we had sex,” I said and she smiled.

“It must have been nice,” she says quietly and I smile.

“It was nice, really nice,” I admit for her to grin making me blush before grinning myself.

“Although, we didn’t use a condom,” I say and frown.

“Doesn’t matter, I saw the condom this morning and realized we must have had it ready but forgot to use it. I’m on the pill so there’s nothing to panic about,” she says and I sigh with relief.

“That was close! I literally thought I might have ruined your life or something,” I say and she giggles.

(Your name)’s POV:

He’s amazingly sweet. How we spoke about last night was like nothing bad has ever happened between us. There was a comfortable silence that fell between us, and since I couldn’t remember last night’s intimacy with Aston, I wanted to be intimate with him again, but with us being sober and able to remember it the following morning. Getting up, I then get on my knees in front of Aston but inbetween his legs. Placing my right hand behind his head and my left hand on his right thigh, I pull his head closer to mine with centimetres between our lips.

“This might be a lot to ask, but can we do what we did last night? Just so that I can remember it the following morning and that we’ll both be sober,” I whisper and I see hunger in his eyes.

“Oh baby, I wouldn’t want to miss the chance,” he whispers back before our lips entwine.

For most of the night, both I and Aston had sex, but what I found the most special thing about it, was the position that we were in. I was on top, straddling him; he was propped up against the head board of his bed (we were in his hotel room). Our bodies were close to the others and our hands were held with our fingers entwined. It was like we were a couple, and I wish it was, but we never seem to get the things we desire, so we move on without it. Hopefully that doesn’t happen between me and Aston.

The following morning, I woke to kisses being laid up and down my spine. With a mumble, I opened my eyes and looked over my left shoulder to see Aston placing kisses down my back. I grin at the sight.

“Morning beautiful,” he says softly without looking up.

“Hello,” I reply back tiredly.

He stops kissing me and cuddles up to me with his right arm over my shoulder blades since I’m on my stomach. He is on his left side.

“Give us a kiss,” he whispers and I smile before edging closer to place my lips on his, I couldn’t help but grin through it.

“Thank you for last night,” I whisper when I pull away making him smirk.

“No problem baby,” he says softly and kisses my shoulder. I grin at the nickname he’s given me.

He rolls onto his back and stretches his left arm in front of me, which I begin to play with.

“What if the others find out about this?” I ask softly before kissing each pad of his fingers.

“Do you want them to know?” he asks but I shrug my shoulders.

“Well nothing is happening between us, so there’s no reason for them to know,” I reply softly, but I notice a smirk across his face. He rolls back onto his side and leaves his right hand on my naked back.

“Go on a date with me when we go back to London,” he says and I grin at how much it’s more of a telling than a question.

“Okay,” I reply in whisper making him smirk before he leans closer and connects our lips together. I’ve got myself a date with Aston Merrygold! How amazing is that?!

“Shall we get up then?” he asks while he strokes my back with his right hand, it relaxes me and I could fall back to sleep. We’re still naked from last night since we can’t be bothered to move.

“I want to stay here, like this,” I moan like a child making him chuckle.

“Come on, we need to have a shower,” he says.

“Together?” I ask a little too excitedly causing him to laugh.

“If you want?” he replies.

“Please?” I ask innocently.

“Only if you get up,” he warns but I smirk before leaning forward and planting a kiss onto his lips which he gives back, but to interrupt us, the door knocks.

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