Chapter 24

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The night had moved on swiftly, and I was enjoying a little dance with the girls. A glass of red wine in my hand as I moved my body gently to the music in the background. The music making me feel sexier as it continued, causing my teeth to sink into my lower lip. The turn of my head to the right created eye contact with Aston watching me from afar. He too holds a glass of red wine while his eyes concentrate on me. Sending him a wink, he smirks before subtly signalling upstairs with his eyes. With a small nod, he smirks before he makes his way to the stairs. My eyes watch him intently, while my body continues to move. Turning my head to the left, I realized that no one is concentrating on what I'm doing, so this gives me the opportunity to move away.

With my heels as big as they were, I carefully took each step at a time, concentrating on where my feet were landing. Out of sight at the top of the stairs, I saw Aston leaning against a door frame, watching me. He pushes his body away from the door frame and steps into the bedroom, eagerly making me walk towards the bedroom. Once in the room, and our glasses put on the bedside table, I'm rammed up against the wall by the door, our lips harshly placed against the other's. My arms pinned above my head has me squirming to touch him. My right leg hooks around his left leg which causes him to take a step further inbetween my legs - his crotch pressed against my own. His hands release my wrists to land onto my waist to pull me closer to him. My hands pull him closer by his neck.

"I want you," I mumble between a kiss.

"I want you too," he mumbles back, pulling me closer to him.

Our kiss gets even hotter, while his right hand slithers up my left thigh to graze against the material of underwear. My fingers undo the buttons on his blazer and just as I go to push his blazer off his shoulders, the door swings open causing our lips to disconnect and our heads fly to the pair of eyes burning into us. Aleena stands there shocked, confused or angry. Whatever her emotion is, she's not letting us know what it is.

It seemed forever, that we were staring at her, before something was said.

"What in the hell is this?" She hissed.

It's clear she's angry. She's slammed the door, her hands are on her waist and her face is smothered with anger.

"What is what?" Aston asks, but looks stunned.

"Don't you dare act stupid Aston! You know what the fuck I'm on about!" She shouts, and my eyes widen with fright. I've never seen her this angry before. "What in the hell are you two doing? Sticking your tongues down each other's throats!"

"We were just-" Aston begins but gets interrupted.

"And you! How dare you lie to me!" She shouts at me and I frown.

"We were just trying to see if we could work out!" I reply desperately. The sound of desperation in my voice causes Aston to bring me closer to him.

"Work out! You two are doing more than work out! You two are clearly having sex with each other!" She raises her voice.

"Aleena, drop it," Aston says firmly.

"How long have you two been having sex for huh? I hope to high hell that you two are doing it protected!" She shouts.

"Drop it!" Aston's voice is firmer.

"Why did you lie to me? You selfish bitch!" She shouts even louder.

"Hey! Drop it!" Aston shouts as I feel my heart crumble with hurt. It seems that Aleena realizes what she says just after what she's said.

"I'm sorry," she says quickly, but I push Aston off me and barge my way past Aleena to get out of the door.

I feel a hand on my right arm, but it loses grip which causes me to walk faster even though I'm in mountain-high heels. Managing to get down the stairs, I can hear Aston and Aleena shout at each other as well as call out for me, but I ignore both.

Marching out the front door, I quickly make my way down the pathway and onto the pavement. My car is across the street which means I need to cross a small road, but without looking, I step into the road only to feel like I'm flying to my left before I feel my head connect with the concrete floor below. I could hear even more shouts and even though my vision started to become blurry, I could see Aston crouch down beside me.

"Call an ambulance!" He shouted before my world went black.

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