Chapter 15

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I press her gently against the door of my hotel room, and run my hands down either side of her torso. Her hands glide from my neck down my chest to stop at my belt. The kiss that was started in the club has been restarted since we’ve only just got back in my hotel room. My belt slides away from my waist and hits the floor; both of us slip our shoes off. Sliding my hands to her back, I unzip her dress and allow it to pool around her ankles, she kicks that aside while she undoes the buttons on my shirt. Deepening the kiss, I rummage in my jeans pocket for my wallet which makes me break away from the kiss. However, she attaches her lips to my neck while she pulls my shirt out from my jeans and pushes it off my shoulders. Allowing my shirt to come off my body, I dive through my wallet to find a condom, which I do, before tucking it into the left cup of her bra, and because of this, she allows a small giggle to escape her lips. Smirking, I push her back against the door to reattach my lips to hers, and by now, she’s undone my jean’s zip and I do the rest of pulling them off without allowing the kiss to break.

Now that we’re in our underwear, I cup her bum with my hands, causing a moan to escape her lips, and pick her up making her legs wrap around my waist. Keeping a grip around her body, I walk from the door to the bed before laying her in the middle of the bed. I climb on top of her and inbetween her legs, without the kiss breaking. My left hand is by the side of her right breast while my right hand takes the condom from her bra, and lay it on the pillow just above her head. Making the kiss deeper and more passionate, I press my erection up against her causing her to moan louder than her last one, which makes me break away from the kiss and smirk. Diving my hands behind her back, I unclip her bra and peel it off her before quickly removing her knickers; I then make a quick ride of my boxers before comfortably laying back inbetween her legs. Forgetting about the condom, I slide myself up inside her causing her to gasp. I smirk before moving my hips.

(Your name)’s POV:

I awake suddenly with a thumping headache. Groaning, I place my left hand delicately onto my forehead while trying to remember what happened last night. The last thing I can remember was getting drinks with Aston at the bar, everything after that is a blur. Squinting my eyes because the bright sunlight coming through the open balcony doors, I slowly sit up onto my left forearm only for my arm to come into contact with a package or some kind of wrapper. With my eyes still narrowed, I look at the wrapper with Durex written across the packet – My eyes jump open and I stare intently. This is when I immediately notice that arm that is across my waist. What have I done? I could feel panic rise through my body as I slowly looked over my right shoulder to see a mixed race arm with a tattoo sleeve, but this tattoo sleeve wasn’t just ANY tattoo sleeve. This tattoo sleeve belonged to Aston Merrygold. What have I done? Looking at his face, he is still fast asleep and I make a decision of leaving as quickly and quietly as I can. I really don’t want to disturb him.

Managing to move his arm off my waist, I swing my legs out of bed and put last night clothes on before quietly making a dash of the door, but stopping half way through. Turning to look at him, I smile softly at how peaceful he looked and even though I can’t remember what happened last night, I’m happy that I was intimate with Aston. Quietly making my way to his side, I lean over and peck his cheek before continuing my way back to my hotel room. If you’re wondering, I am on the pill so I won’t be pregnant any time soon since it looked like we forgot to use a condom even though we had one ready.

Aston’s POV:

Groaning myself awake, I squint my eyes to the bright sunlight and a thumping headache. Groaning even louder my eyes come into contact with a wrapper lying on the other pillow. Becoming confused as well as curious, I reach out for the wrapper and pick it up to see Durex written across it. Sitting up straight in panic, I suddenly remember that I was with (Your name) last night, and I remember EVERYTHING. Oh no, I hope I haven’t ruined anything with her, we’re already on rocky terms and I don’t want to ruin it by doing an one night stand and it ending up with her pregnant because of me! I know I’m going to have to talk this out with her, but how? I can’t tell the lads because they’ll judge me for what I’ve done. I’m just going to have to think something up by the end of tonight. To be honest, I’m delighted that I and (Your name) got intimate last night even if she doesn’t remember it or she hates me even more, but like I said when I was at the bar, I might not get that opportunity again and I’m glad I took the plunge.

After taking two pain killers, getting a shower and getting dressed for the pool, I made my way out to the bar to get myself some Coca-Cola to relax by the pool with. I’d spotted the lads with the girls on the sun loungers by the pool, so I know where to go afterwards. Receiving my drink from the barmen, I make my way over to the sun lounger next to Oritsé while setting my drink on the table next to mine.

“You okay?” Oritsé asks.

“Yeah I’m good,” I reply quickly but with a smile.

“Are you sure? You look a little worried,” he says and I glance to the girls to see (Your name) looking at me, but when I looked at her she was quick to look the other way.

“Yeah, I’m okay,” I say and sit down without looking back at (Your name).

(Your name)’s POV:

This is SO awkward! We both know what happened last night even though I don’t remember a thing! He might remember some of it, but I don’t know, I can’t even find the courage to talk to him. Don’t get me wrong, I want to sort it out with him, clear the air, but I don’t know how to begin! I’ve never been in this situation before. I just hope this doesn’t leave us on the bad note.

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