Chapter 29

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It's been a month, and I was finally out of hospital. Well, I've been out of hospital for quite a while, and surprisingly I recovered from my concussion quite well. I didn't have any broken bones either. The doctors were amazed how I hadn't died or recieved brain damage from how hard I hit my head.

Me and Aston are doing just as well. We've been on more dates than I thought I'd ever be able to get off from him. Honestly, he's the most amazing guy I've ever met and I'm so glad that I met him, even if we didn't start off great.

I'd gone round Aleena's to have a personal catch up. It was our day off work, but everyone else was. I soon turned up within the hour I was meant to, and parked up on her drive way. Well, I say her house, but she moved in with Marvin just after I got out of hospital. They've been together for two years now, and they're doing so well! I'm pretty sure they'll end up getting married soon. So since she's moved in with Marvin, I've been left alone at the house we use to share, but Aston is usually round most of the time, so I'm not completely alone.

"So how do you feel since the accident?" Aleena asks and I smile.

We're in her living room, and we're facing each other on her sofa while we hold our cups of hot chocolate.

"I'm feeling a lot better. To be honest, I feel as though the accident never happened," I say before taking a sip out of my hot chocolate.

"How are you and Aston though? Has he spoken about that Becky girl since?" Aleena asks with curiosity smothering her voice.

"We're doing just as good as we were before. Nothing has changed. He hasn't spoken about her."

"Do they have history or...?" 

"I don't know actually. I could ask, but I don't want him to say something I don't want to hear," I say quietly with a frown.

"That's understandable. He might have had a fling with her when they were in school or something. That's not something you can change though."

"I know, but I don't want to hear that he really loved her or something, and I feel as though I'm not going to be able to love him as much as she did."

"(Your name), you're thinking over this a bit too much. You're a completely different woman to what she is, plus, he's head over heels about you. It's pretty obvious," she says which causes me to giggle. "You have nothing to worry about."

"I suppose you're right. I'll have a chat about her with him tonight," I sigh.

"Oh, are you seeing him tonight?" She asks and looks delighted.

"No, I meant over the phone," I giggle.

"Oh. How come you two are not together yet? You're really perfect for each other," Aleena says before taking a sip out of her hot chocolate, but what she says makes me grin uncontrolably.

"We might get together soon, you never know," I say for her to nod.

"I hope you do," she says which makes me giggle.

Later that evening, I'd gotten home and stepped through the front door to see a trail of red petals leading into the kitchen. Candles and single red roses were dotted around the house. As sweet as this is, I'm quite scared that someone has gotten into my house and might still be here.

"Hello?" I call out.

"Hello baby," he says and pops out of nowhere from the kitchen.

I'm not going to lie, but it scared the living daylights out of me, ha!

"Jheez, Ast! You scared the hell out of me," I giggle with relief.

"I can see that," he says with a smirk.

He leans against the kitchen doorway while I approach him. Just as I get to him, he passionately grabs my waist and smashes our lips together causing my arms to swing around his neck while his arms wrap tightly around my waist. He keeps the kiss for about a minute, before pulling away softly.

"Wow, where did that come from?" I ask amazed.

"I've missed you," he whispers onto my neck and plants three kisses there.

Turning me on, he continues to string kisses down my neck. Allowing a soft moan to escape my lips, he pulls me even closer to him and I bite my lip. The sexual tension rising out from nowhere. Suddenly, he rams me up against the wall and his lips meet mine. My hands rip the shirt off he is wearing and throw it onto the floor. Our lips part for a moment  for him to remove my top and that too lands on the floor with his shirt.

We stumble into my room in our underwear, and we climb onto the bed. Quickly shuffling ourselves under the covers, we tear each other's underwear off before he pushes himself into me. The sexual tension eases as we began our bliss.

Cuddling into his side, we both look out of the window as we enjoy the other's company. Miles away in a day dream, a kiss on my forehead brings me away from my thoughts.

"What are you thinking about?" He whispers and I smile softly.

"Us," I whisper.

"What about us?" He asks while he strokes his hand through my hair.

"How long it will be before we get together?" I ask before I look up to him.

"Soon baby, soon," he say softly before kissing my forehead.

We spent another 10 minutes in bed just enjoying the other's company, before I rolled over and leaned out of bed to pick up my bra. Sliding it on, I take out a clean pair of knickers and slide them on. I don't hear or feel anything from the other side of the bed. Standing up, I hear a soft moan from the other side of the room which causes me to smirk. Turning around, I bend over to pick up the knickers I was wearing an hour before, but as I'm bent over, I hear another moan. Completely ignoring him, I put my knickers in my wash basket before climbing back onto the bed, but crawling over to him and then straddling him. Since he is sat up, he runs his hands up and down the sides of my torso before he leans forward and plants kisses along the top of my breasts.

"You're so beautiful," he whispers onto my skin causing me to grin.

His hands travel to my bum before squeezing it which makes my body automatically press itself up against his body.

"Come on, let's get something to eat," he says while pulling away from kissing me and taps my bum gently, but I frown.

"You're such a tease," I say quietly which makes him smirk.

"And now we're square."

"What?" I ask confused.

"Do you not think that bending over, just standing there and walking around in your underwear didn't tease me? And then you straddle me in your underwear."

"Oh, sorry," I say cheekily which makes him smirk.

Once we'd gotten downstairs, I picked up his shirt and slipped it on over my underwear before buttoning the very middle button to cover most of my body.

"What are we doing for food?" I ask while I wonder into the living room.

"Chinese takeaway," Aston suggests as he follows me into the living room.


Handing Aston the phone, he goes out into the kitchen to order what we want. While he's in the kitchen, I think of ways on how I'm going to ask about Becky. I just hope that I don't press any wrong buttons with him.

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