Chapter 18

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It’s been a week since the group got back to London, and since then everyone has been straight back to work, and that’s including the JLS lads. They’ve got their tour coming up soon, so they’ve been doing rehearsals for that. I never told you what I do for a job, did I? Well, I’m a photographer and that can range from anything, for instance: doing model shoots, wedding photos or landscape stuff.

Since I had a couple of weeks off, quite a lot of my work have piled up. I have a wedding shoot this weekend, a model shoot on Monday, on Thursday and Wednesday I have another wedding shoot, and Friday I have a landscape shoot. So I’m pretty much fully booked for the first week back, but thankfully, Aston is too so there is nothing to worry about at the minute. Yeah, I and Aston are still keeping things under wraps and I can’t wait to get things moving. I am really excited to see where things go.

I was just unpacking when the phone had rung, which caused me to walk over to it and pick up. I placed it inbetween my ear and my shoulder so that I could fold up the top that I was holding.

“Hello,” I answer.

“Hey babe, it’s me,” he replies.

“Hey! How’s work?” I ask.

“Everything is good baby, what about you? When are you next free from work?”

“Well I’m fully booked for the first week back, so I can’t do anything until next Saturday,” I reply while I put the top into my drawer and begin folding up a pair of shorts from suitcase that is laid out on the bottom of my bed.

“That’s good, gives me time to plan. I’m not free until Saturday myself so we’re good to go,” he says and I grin even though he won’t see me.

“Do you have ideas yet?” I ask cheekily.

“Yes I do baby, since we’re not letting things out straight away, I was thinking of staying inside for the night.”

“Oh that sounds lovely!” I reply and I know I sound excited.

You see, I’m the type of girl that doesn’t like to be smothered in fancy things or BIG nights out. The simple cosy and cute indoor dates are the best, they are for me anyway. Just a simple cuddle in front of the TV with blankets and hot chocolate does me perfect. I’m the type of girl that takes the company more than the event to heart. So with Aston thinking about doing an indoor date is picture perfect for me!

“Do you like the sound of that?” he asks.

“Yes! I love indoor dates!” I reply and I must sound like a right loon about how excited I am about this.

“Aww baby, that’s good, we can have more indoor dates then.”

“Please?” I beg and he laughs.

“Will do, I’ll let you get back to whatever you’re doing.”

“I’m just unpacking.”

“Still? It’s been a week.”

“I know but I’ve had so much to do,” I say quietly.

“Aww baby, I’m not telling you off but I understand, it’s been pretty hectic for me too,” he says just as someone calls in the background, but I can’t hear what that person says. “Well I have to go, I’ll call you the next time I’m free or something.”

“Okay, bye,” I say quietly since I didn’t want our short conversation to stop.

“Bye,” he replies and then hangs up. Frowning, I look at the phone before putting it back in its stand before finishing off my packing.

Aleena’s POV:

I was walking through Tesco, picking up some food and drinks, when it came to my mind that I and the girls haven’t really had a good catch up. I know we had the holiday, but that was to take away stress and hopefully get something started between (Your name) and Aston, but I mean a catch up of what life is actually bringing us and how our jobs are. Since we all have different jobs, we don’t exactly know how the other is doing, so it’d be nice for a catch up.

Rummaging through my bag to find my phone, I dial (Your name) first since she’s the quickest to answer her phone. Dialling her number, I place my phone between my ear and shoulder while I pick up two ready cooked meals to see which is the most appetising.

“Hello,” (Your name) answers.

“Hey babe, what are you doing next Saturday?” I ask since Saturday is the free day that I assume everyone has.

“Oh err- I have a date,” she says and I freeze.

“A date,” I repeat.


“Since when?” I ask.

“Since today,” she replies and I can tell she’s nervous.

“With whom?” I ask cautiously.

“No one you know, we’re trying to see if we can work something out.”

“Oh,” I say.

“Why?” she asks.

“I was going to make a catch up with the girls, but we can always catch up with you later I suppose.”

“Yeah, that’d be great! Give me a time and date and I’ll see if I’m free,” she says.

“Will do babe,” I reply.

She has a date?! What about Aston?

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