Chapter 21

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I had no idea that I was asleep until I was startled awake, but I had Aston watching over me. The TV was off and the house was silent. Groaning, I sat up a little and looked at Aston who was smiling while brushing a few stray hairs out of my face.

"How long have I been asleep?" I whisper tiredly.

"About an hour, but you look beautiful sleeping so I left you," he says back quietly but softly, I smile while shuffling myself upon him to get more comfy.

"Do you want to go to bed?" he whispers before kissing my forehead, I nod in reply.

I sit up and allow him to get off the sofa before he holds out his left hand for me to take with my right. Once my hand was in his, he helped me up from the sofa and lead me towards the stairs. The upstairs was pretty simple: a corridor and two doors (one on the left, and one on the right). One I persume is for Aston's room and the other is the bathroom or a spare bedroom. Aston lead me through the door on the left to a HUGE room. It had it's bed, walk-in-wardrobe and a few chest of drawers. However, there was a door on the left (but diagonal) from where we were standing. My curiosity is raring to know what is beyond that door, but my tiredness has the better of me.

"That door leads to the en suite, you can go in there if you want to get dressed," Aston says softly as though he is answering my curiosity.

Aston leaves me by the door and goes to his walk-in-wardrobe and pulls out a top, but because Aston is much bigger than I am, it'll be the same as a nightdress. Aston walks back to me with the shirt in his hand before handing it to me. I take the shirt with a smile and walk off towards the en suite.

After doing my night routine, I wondered like a zombie across the room to the left side of the bed - Aston being on the right. Dumping my clothes by the side of the bed, I climb in and settle myself down facing towards Aston. Closing my eyes, I hear him chuckle before slithering down the bed since he was sitting up and checking his phone. Hearing his phone be placed on the bedside table, I feel him shuffle around before his arm loops over my waist, pulling me more into him.

"Are you wearing anything under this?" he whispers and I shake my head, "oh."

"Why?" I whisper.

"I was going to put my arm under the shirt to lay it over your waist but since you're not wearing anything under this, I won't," he says and sounds a little ashamed.

"If you give me a pair of your boxers, I'll put those on and then you can do your arm thingy," I say with my eyes narrowly open to see him smile. I've never seen a man dash off to his wardrobe to recieve a pair of boxers for a girl just so he can have his arm over her waist.

Once he'd picked a pair of his boxers, he came over to me and handed them to me. I slipped them on under the duvet of the bed.

"Have seen you naked," he says randomly.

"Yes," I say cautiously.

"So why are you hiding?" he asks and I feel my cheeks go a rosey colour.

"It's just, I don't want to put it on show and you be totally grossed out by it," I admit.

"No, I wouldn't, I love what I've seen. There's no reason to be ashamed of what you have. You have an amazing body and I find it hard to look away sometimes," he says and I grin uncontrollably.

"Anyways, night baby," he whispers while we both get comfy again.

"Night," I whisper back just as I feel his arm lay on my waist under the shirt that I'm wearing.


"Did anyone hear from Aston last night?" I ask Marvin since I'm on the phone to him.

"Nope, he didn't answer any calls or texts asking where he was," Marvin replies.

"He might have got lost or fell asleep," I suggested.

"Maybe, but I think he has something to do with the date (Your name) had," he suggests and I am quick to agree. Everyone has found out about (Your name)'s mysterious date, yet no one knows who she's seeing. It just comes as a bit of a coincidence that the night (Your name) has a date, Aston doesn't turn up to our meet up and doesn't answer his phone. I think it's becoming pretty clear whose dating who.

"Of course he does, he suddenly doesn't answer his phone the night (Your name) has a date. He is most likely the one she's seeing, but we'll have to see," I reply and I can feel him nod on the other side of the phone.

"Shall I call him now and see if he picks up?" Marvin asks.

"Yeah, see what he has to say," I reply, knowing that Aston has some explaining to do.

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