Chapter 3

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Tour had kicked off and we had gone to Liverpool, Birmingham and Cardiff already. Right now, we were standing backstage of the O2 arena waiting to go on. We could hear the screams of the crowd and the introduction sound through the arena. The adrenaline was pounding through my veins and looking at my three band mates, I smile at how far we’ve come and how I don’t want to do anything else but perform with my brothers.

Climbing into the car that will be suspended above the people that are in front of the stage, I couldn’t wait to get on with the concert and my excitement grew even more when the lights had come on and the song was blasted through the arena. The screams got even higher and I grinned as the car began to move out above the crowd. Bringing back the mention of the after parties, there was one tonight. In my hotel room, I was checking how I looked in the mirror. Wearing a blue shirt, charcoal jeans and boots, I think I look okay, and hopefully it’ll attract some female attention. Just as I was fixing my hair at the last minute, a knock was produced on my door causing me to come away from the mirror to go to the door. Opening it, JB was stood there looking down the corridor.

“You alright mate,” I said as I stepped out of my hotel room door to see Oritsé and Marvin at the end of the corridor waiting for us with excitement. Quickly stepping back inside my hotel room, I grabbed the key before stepping back out and shutting the door behind me.

“Come on then,” JB says while patting my back making me smirk while we walk down the corridor.

“Looking slick bro,” Oritsé says and I grin.

“Thanks mate,” I reply while Marvin and Oritsé then set off ahead to get a taxi to the JLS after party.

When we’d got there, it was amazing to see how many JLSters got tickets for this, and how hot some of them are. Don’t get me wrong, gold diggers while disguise themselves as super hot fans so I am always cautious. They are the ones I usually get my one night stands from. The after party was more of a nightclub just for JLS and JLSters but it was still a good time.

Roughly half an hour and after some dancing and a few drinks were consumed, I took a little time out by the bar just to admire the view and it was a view to admire! So many happy faces and dancing bodies. Bringing my glass up to my lips, I was scanning the room when my eyes came across the most beautiful girl I’ve ever laid my eyes on. She was sat alone in low key, it seemed as though she wasn’t even there. Her hand stroked up her left arm while shuffling her legs closer together and looking towards the floor. She must be alone. Glancing over to the lads, they were surrounded by JLSters and it gave me a chance to slip over to her. Crossing over to her, she noticed me and smiled sweetly.

“Is this seat free?” I asked her before she nodded in reply. I then take up the seat, before looking over to her. Up close, her beauty is more defined and its stunning to look at.

“How come you’re on your own?” I ask charmingly making her smile.

“I haven’t really been to an after party before, so I thought I’d come on my own,” she says sweetly and I smile.

“So you’re not a fan?” I ask.

“I am a fan, just not a big one. I love your music,” she says and I smirk.

“What’s your name?” I ask.

“(Your name),” she says and I smile.

“That’s a nice name,” I say for her to smile.

“Thanks,” she replies sweetly, “what’s your name?”

“Aston,” I reply and she smiles.

“I knew that, but I wanted you to feel like a stranger and not a celebrity, if that makes any sense,” she says innocently and I can’t help the grin across my face.

“That’s really refreshing and I thank you for it,” I reply and she giggles.

“No worries,” she replies with the humour dancing within her soft voice.

For a good 10 minutes, both I and (Your name) were none stop talking, and it was really refreshing that she was asking me questions about ME and not the celebrity me.

“So babe, I was wondering if I could have your number. I’d like to take you out some time,” I say but something seems to change and I’m not sure what. She smirks and rests her chin onto her hand.

“Not until you have a better dress sense,” she says seductively and I’m taken aback by the sudden comment. Quickly glancing down at myself, I thought that I looked okay but with my ego hurt, I frown at her before removing myself away from the table and going over to the lads.

“Mate, I thought I looked okay,” I shouted to Marvin over the loud music.

“You do,” he shouts back.

“But,” I begin and look towards where (Your name) was sitting but she had vanished.

“What mate?” Marvin shouts.

“Nothing,” I shout back before moving off to the bar.

 Lying in bed in my hotel room, I stare up at the blank ceiling with (Your name) invading my mind. Her hair, her lips and her eyes, everything about her was stuck in my mind. However her comment still made me upset but her sudden disappearance has me wanting more. I really hope that I do come across her again.

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