Chapter 26

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We'd gone home, got cleaned up, and put some fresh clothes on before we made our way round to Aston's house. Thankfully, the man keeps a spare key in one of the bushes that is in front garden - only the group knows where that key is. We packed him a travel bag full of fresh clothes before we made our round to Tesco to get some drinks, snacks and ready cooked meals. The hospital keeps an over night café open, so people who stay over night can get a cooked meal, but we can also use their kitchen facilities. On the way back to the hospital, we popped into a McDonald's and got some meals for I, Aleena and Aston.

Getting back to (Your name)'s hospital room, we opened the door and stepped through, quietly, to see Aston lying next to (Your name) on her hospital bed. However, he was fast sleep while his hands tried to cling onto her as much as possible.

"Shall we wake him?" Aleena whispers.

"We should. Get him out of those clothes," I whisper back while I make my way round to Aston's side. "Wake up."

"Mm," he mumbles as he startles awake. "Huh?"

"It's only me and Aleena. We've brought you some fresh clothes and something to eat," I whisper to him and he nods.

"Thank you," he whispers back.

To be honest, I have no idea why any of us are whispering, but I suppose it's because it's late and we're all tired, and we don't want to be too loud just in case someone kicks us out of the hospital. I passed Aston his travel bag for him to take it over to the sofa and have a rummage through.

"What are you two going to do?" He says quietly which brings my attention away from (Your name).

"We were going to stay here and look after you," Aleena speaks before I could and I could see a noticeable smile plastered across Aston's face.

"Thanks guys, but there is no need. I'll be sleeping tonight with (Your name)," he says quietly and we smile.

"At least let us get you something to eat," Aleena says and I notice the pleading in her voice.

"If you wish," Aston replies before taking a set of clothes and going into the en-suite with them, which I assume is to change into them.

"Ast! Do you want McDonald's or ready cooked meal?" I call.

"McDonald's!" He calls back and I chuckle.

"Of course he was going to pick that," I chuckle to Aleena.

"How would you know?" She asks confused.

"Who eats ready cooked meals? Most of them are disgusting," I continue to chuckle just as the en-suite door lock clicks.

"I'd pick McDonald's over ready cooked meals any day. Most ready cooked meals are disgusting," Aston says which causes me to smirk at Aleena.

"That is scary," she giggles.

"What is?" Aston asks and I see on the corner of my eye, that he is packing away the clothes he was wearing.

"Marvin just said the exact same thing as you did about reday cooked meals," she says and I hear Aston chuckle.

"We're bros what do you expect," Aston chuckles. "Where is my food?"

"Here," I say while handing him his meal of McDonald's.


Aston sits down on the sofa, and is immediate to get stuck into his meal.

"You must have been hungry," I say for him to look up to me and nod rapidly. "Then why didn't you eat?"

"I was too busy concentrating on- What are you doing?" Aston begins but stops and stares intently in (Your name)'s direction, which causes me to look there as well.

Aleena stands there, frozen, with a wet wipe in her hand.

"I was just giving her a wash," she says quietly and I smile at how cute she is when she's scared.

"Oh," Aston says and gets back to eating.

"Wow," I chuckle with amazement.

"What?" Aston asks with a mouthful of food.

"You're so protective of her. What's gotten into you? I thought you didn't like her."

"Ooohh! He likes her," Aleena says and Aston rolls his eyes with a chuckle, but this makes me confused.

"What?" I ask.

"He was snogging her face off when I caught these two at the party," Aleena giggles and my mouth drops open with astonishment.

"Since when?! Why didn't you tell me?" I ask like a girl that is excited for some latest gossip, which causes Aston to chuckle.

"Okay, I'll tell you, but no one else can know. Not just yet anyway," he says and I nod rapidly.

"Remember when I and (Your name) had that big argument about her seeing that guy and stuff. Well, the night that followed and we all out to the club, if you remember. I and (Your name) got tipsy, well I got tipsy since I remember the night really clearly, but she quite drunk. We got back to my hotel and we had drunken sex. The following day, we didn't talk, but that night we talked it out and had sex again, only this time, sober. Since then, we've had a secret date and I think we were going to have sex at the party but things went wrong," he explains.

"Wow, so much has happened between you two. How come you're not together?" I ask.

"We're just trying to take it slow and steady," he replies.

"So is that reason why you two weren't talking after the night we partyed, and the reason she didn't come to the girls meet up was because she was with you, wasn't she?" Aleena asks and I see Aston smirking with pride.

"Of course she was. I'm stealing your girl," he says cheekily, and I hear Aleena giggle.

By the end of the conversation, Aston had finished his meal and we were just casually talking about anything that came up. I and Aleena stayed with Aston until he became tired again - since he ate - to sleep. Once we were sure that Aston was comfy in the bed next to (Your name), both I and Aleena left them in peace. Hopefully, when the group get back to them in the morning, (Your name) will be awake.

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