Chapter 25

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Aston's POV:

"Call an ambulance!" I shouted to Aleena, but just as I look back to (Your name), it's clear to me she is now unconscious.

Still crouched beside her, I could feel anger rage through my veins. Knowing that the driver is still in his car, I stand up before quickly making my way over to him. Glancing at him, I can tell he is frightened as I pull his door open.

"Get the fuck out of the car!" I shout and he begs for forgiveness.

"GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE CAR!" I scream which makes him panickly get his seatbelt undone.

Thankfully, there is no child or scared female in the car with him. Once he has his seat belt undone, I drag him out of his car and throw him up against the side of it. He desperately pleads at how sorry he is.

"Whoa! Aston! Let the man go!" I hear Marvin in the distance, and I can hear his footsteps get closer.

My fists are tight on the man's shirt, and for several times, I constantly throw the man back up against his car. My anger is showing no sign of calming down.

"How dare you hit my girlfriend!" I shout at the man as my fists get tighter. Marvin attempts to drag me off the man, but is failing.

"I'm sorry!" The man begs.

"Ast, let go!"


"I'm sorry!"

The sound of an amublance in the distance interrupts me, and I let go of the man before I run back over to (Your name) where the girls are now surrounding her. Pushing my way past the girls, I stay close to (Your name) as I can and before I suddenly burst into tears.

"Please stay with me," I whisper to her as I hold her close to me.

Blinding blue lights appear from around the corner, and a team of paramedics are quick to jump out of the back of the ambulance to rush over to me and (Your name).

"What's happened?" A female asks and I notice that she's in police uniform.

It then comes clear to me that the police are here too, and two of them are by the man who hit (Your name). Quickly explaining everything to the policewoman, three paramedics take charge of getting (Your name) in the back of the ambulance, but I'm quick to be by (Your name)'s side.

"Sir, are you in any relation with this woman?" A blonde hair guy asks, and I nod rapidly in reply. "What relation?"

"Boyfriend," I barely say.

"You may travel with us," He says and helps me into the back of the ambulance.

He sits me down next to (Your name), by her head, before getting back to his job. Seeing (Your name)'s hand, dangling off the stretcher, I gently take hold of it with both of my hands before bringing it up to my lips and planting the most delicate kisses, that I had, onto it.


Sitting in the waiting area, Chloe had fallen asleep on my shoulder as well as Diana on Oritsé's shoulder. Aleena and Marvin were getting snacks and drinks for the group while Aston was still in (Your name)'s hospital room. Yeah, she's still unconscious and Aston refuses to leave her side.

"Hey, here's something hot to drink," I hear Aleena whisper to me, and since my eyes were barely awake, her voice startles me a little.

"Sorry, thank you," I whisper while I recieve the drink. "Does anyone know if (Your name) is awake?"

"Not that I know of, but Marvin has gone to check up on them," Aleena answer me just as Chloe wakes up.

Marvin's POV:

"Hey, how is she?" I ask quietly while I quietly close the door behind me.

"She's still not waking up, but she's stable," Aston whispers and I nod.

Allowing the bleeping noise from the heart monotor to fill the room, I take in what's just happened in the past two hours. (Your name) is unconscious and is lying in a hospital bed with tubes attached to her. Aston has barely slept, yet he chooses to stay awake to make sure she'll wake up. So much can happen in a blink of an eye.

"Is the group still out there?" Aston whispers and I nod. "You can all go home, I'm staying here."

"Are you sure?" I ask and he nods. "Would you like me to go to your house and pack you some spare clothes?"

"Would you? That would mean a lot," he replies and the look relief crosses his face.

"Sure, I'll be back within the hour," I say while I turn to walk back to the door.

"Thank you," is what parted from Aston's lips just as I step out of the room.

Getting back to where the group is, I see that Chloe and Diana are now awake but they look exhausted.

"Guys, (Your name) is still not waking up and Aston says that if you want to go, you can. He's going to stay here the night but I'll be bringing him some spare clothes," I explain and the group listen.

"I think we'll head off. Chloe is tired," JB says.

"Us too. We're tired," Oritsé says.

Both Chloe and JB, and Diana and Oritsé then get up and slowly make their way out of the hospital. However, Aleena and I stay back to see the two couples till they are out of sight.

"What are we going to do about Aston? He can't possibly stay here by himself. He hasn't eaten and he won't sleep," Aleena says which causes me to sigh.

"I know, but he won't listen. He is concentrating on (Your name) more than himself. We can't do anything," I reply while my arm snakes around her waist and we head towards the exit of the hospital.

"We could at least try and get him to get some sleep, plus, he needs to eat," she says exasperatedly.

"It's eleven at night Aleena, where are we exactly going to get food?"

"McDonald's is open twenty-four seven, and so is Tesco. We could buy some sandwiches and a burger with a drink or two."

"I suppose," I say just as we get into the car park, "but lets worry about getting him some spare clothes first."

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