Chapter 23

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(Your name)'s POV:

I haven't spoken to Aston since the day out in the restuarant. We both haven't made the effort to, and I think a part of it is because of what he said. It's got me thinking he will bring a different girl along to the party, and if he does, I have no idea what history he has with that girl.

The party was in full swing by 8:30pm and I was getting to know a few girls, over some drinks. I was still anxious about Aston since he hasn't turned up yet, I was beginning to wonder whether he would turn up. My mind was deciving me what this girl would look like, and I began to convince myself that she's one of those girls that's perfect from head to foot.Just as my brain was overloading itself with images of a possible girl, Aston walked through the front door, but he came alone. My eyes glued to him out of astonishment since I really did convince myself he'd walk through that door with a beautiful lady on his arm. He's wearing white high top converse, pale blue jeans, white low cut t-shirt with a black blazer. He looks beautiful.

He elegantly walks through into the kitchen, and just as he makes his way to the breakfast bar, he spots me and maintains eye contact. I blush since he smirks and winks at me. I'm wearing a black one shoulder lace dress, with black high heels. My makeup is done naturally and my hair is waved. I watch as he pours himself a drink and then makes his way over to me, his left arm loops around my waist and places a gentle kiss onto my cheek. Thankfully, the three girls I was talking to didn't pay any attention since they went off into their own conversation.

"How are you beautiful?" he whispers to me causing my teeth to sink into my lower lip.

"I'm good thanks, how are you?" I whisper back making him smirk.

"I'm great now that I've seen you," he replies seductively and places a gentle kiss onto my neck.

"What happened to bringing that girl?" I ask with a smirk, making him raise an eyebrow.

"She's already here," he says and I frown.

"Where?" I ask, while my eyes hunt around the room for the girl who could possibly be his date. However, I catch the look he is giving me - a raised eyebrow with a smirk. "What?"

"I'm looking right at her," he says causing me to blush and giggle.

"Oh, sorry," I reply softly and quietly.

"No worries baby, but let's just oddly meet somewhere quiet so that we are together at some point," he says while removing his arm from my back leaving that area to go cold.

"Okay, I'll see you in half an hour then," I say with a piece of seduction making him smirk.

"It'll be quicker than that if you continue with the seduction," he growls quietly to me before making his way to a group of lads.

Maybe I and Aston can get away with us being hidden from the group, just the question is: how long will it be before we get caught?

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