Chapter 2- Flat Stomach, Green Eyes.

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Jakes POV-
I was watching tv when a victoria secret commercial came on. I rolled my eyes and continued watching. Right before i was about to skip the commercial, I saw her.
I saw Erika modeling in the commercial. Well i think i did. It looked a lot like her.
Her flat stomach, green eyes, and brown hair flashed on the tv.
I rewind the commercial and pause it on Erika's part. IT WAS HER !
I looked up the commercial and saw that her name was in tiny letters at the bottom.
I went on the VS instagram to see if she's on there more clearly. And a smile grew on my face as I seen her all over the page. I clicked on her account and seen that she also was verified. She was a model!!!
I stalked her account for a little trying to look for my child, but she didn't have any pictures of him/her.
I decided that i'll dm her instead.

Erika's POV-
I was with Joseph at the park and i got a dm on instagram. Which was weird because I only allow dm's from verified people, so i rarely get them. But i do get a lot of fan dm's.
Anyways i check my phone and see that Jake had dm'd me.

J: Hey Erika. It's Jake.. Can we talk? I miss you.

I froze. I quickly deleted the message and then i heard a sweet angelic voice..

Jo: Mama
E: Come here baby, lets go home and eat some dinner!

Joseph runs to my arms and I pick him up.
E: Mommy needs to go to the grocery store so we can make pasta tonight. You ready?

Joseph just smiled. I kiss his cheek and take him to his car seat. I get him in and straddle him in, I walk to the driver seat and head to Kroger.
When I get there, I get Joseph from the back, my purse and head inside. I get a cart and put Joseph in there.
As I was going down the pasta aisle, I ran into someone else's cart.

E: Oh, sorry-
??: No you're good.

I smile and meet eyes with the guy.

Oh my god.

T: Erika?
E: Hey tony...

Anthony looks down at Joseph and puts two and two together.
T: Is that Jakes ba-
E: I have to go...

I turn around the other way, and at the end of the aisle run into someone else.


My eyes grew as I made eye contact with him.

J: Erika?
E: Hey Jake..
Joseph: mama

Jake looks down at Joseph. His mouth dropped at so did his camera.
E: Ummm.. I have to go. It's getting late, and Joseph needs to go to bed now.
J: Wait Erika..

I didn't stop.

Jakes POV-
Tony and I were getting food for a video i had in mind and then i ran into her. Erika.
J: Erika?
E: Hey Jake..
Joseph: mama

I look down at the kid who looked exactly like me..
E: Ummm.. I have to go. It's getting late, and Joseph needs to go to bed now.
J: Wait Erika..

She didn't stop. I tried to chase after her but i couldn't find her. I head back to Tony with my head down.

T: I'm sorry bro. But did you see that kid?
J: She called his Joseph.

Tony's mouth dropped.
T: Like your middle name?

I nod my head. When we got home i went straight up to my room and locked myself inside. I felt horrible, just like when she left me two years ago..

GUYS HERES CHAPTER TWO!!! I'm gonna make this story a lot more detailed and have it be a lot more eventful! Hope you guys enjoy❤️

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