Chapter 19- About the party..

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Jake's POV-
It was finally Saturday and Erika and I have been working hard for this.
I walk out to the backyard, and looked at everything that we set up. There was so many machines: cotton candy, popcorn, slush, ice-cream and more. Then we had gotten a bounce house. It didn't really go with the theme but i though Joseph might like it. Erika was a little ticked off because of it. She basically yelled at me because "bounce houses aren't in carnivals". Shes been very moody lately. Anyways, we also had a balloon-dart game, toss ring game and more little games of that sort. Oh, and we ordered a clown.

I smiled and walked back to the room. Erika was getting ready and she had Joseph asleep so that when he woke up he would be energized for the party. We invited a lot of people. Mostly family and friends, but I invited other YouTubers, some with and some without kids. Including  Logan, Dwarf Mamba, Mark Dohner, his gf Kylie, Geroge Janko, Amanda Cerny, Johannes.. I even invited the vlog squad. We don't have beef but they are one of Team 10's biggest competitions. And then Erika invited the ACE family, and some other family channels. I expected a full house today.
The party starts in an hour, and half of team 10 is still asleep. I decide to intro my vlog by waking them up with my merch gun.  Everyone's favorite way of getting woken up.
I first decide to go to the ratchets room, Chance and Anthony, next i woke up the Martinez Twins, then i went to Tessa's room and finally the Chad Tepper. Kade, and Nick were already up.  Everyone was now awake and getting ready for Joseph's party.
When I walked back into my room I saw Erika sitting on the bed with her head down in her hands. I knew something was wrong.

J: Babe, what's wrong?
E: I feel sick again.

I walk up to her and sit next to her, rubbing her back. We sit in silence for a while until i heard Joseph calling out for us. I get up and grab him. As i'm bringing him back Erika is at his door. I stop and she looks at me.
E: j-jake.. i-i think.. i think i might be pregnant.

I didn't know if i believed her. She did just prank me, but on the other hand, she had been feeling sick lately.. I play it safe and decide not to take it as a joke.
J: R-Really?

She just nods her head. I can see it in her eyes.. she's scared.
J: we should talk about it tonight.. right now all you should worry about is having fun at this party.

I go over to her and kiss her cheek.
J: Just take it easy today babe.

She half smiles and doesn't make eye contact with me at all. But she grabbed Joseph.
E: I'm gonna bathe him and get him ready.. Can you go downstairs and wait for people to come? I shouldn't be long
J: Sure.. Are you sure you're okay?

She looks away to walk away but she nods her head before.  I go downstairs and everyone is there checking out the setup outside.
J: Hey guys.
Tessa: Hey Jake!
Chad: The setup is sooooo amazing
Chance: Super dope!
Jake: Thanks guys, it was mostly Erika
Tessa: Where is my pickle? AND THE BIRTHDAY BOYYYY
Jake: She's upstairs.
T: Ima go check up on her.

Erika's POV-
I was getting Joseph out of the bath when Tessa came and called out for me and Joseph.
T: RIK!!!!???? JOSEPH???!!!
Jo: We in here Tessa!

She walks in and I was putting a diaper on Joseph.
T: Hey birthday boy!!!!!! How old are you today?!!?!

She asks walking over to us.
Jo: I three years old!

I just smile at how cute my baby boy is. I want to tell Tessa about me being pregnant. She's my closest girl friend in the house and I really need one of those right now.
I pick up Joseph and walk over to the closet and motion to Tessa so that she could follow us.
E: Tessa.. I'm pregnant.

The smile on her face from playing with Joseph, soon turned into a confused look. She tried to make direct eye contact at me, but I pretended to be focused on getting Joseph ready.
T: Erika.. are you serious?! That's great!! How did Jake take the news?
E: Well... you see, I told him that I thought I was pregnant, just too see how he reacted. I knew I was.. or am but he just said that we could talk about it after the party. He was kind of emotionless..
T: Wait... So you're 100% pregnant.

I walk over to my purse and hand her an ultra sound that i took last week. She gets up and jumps, then she hugged me and we both started jumping. Her reaction was so cute, its what I was looking for from Jake.
T: So how far along are you?! OMG THIS IS SO EXCITING!!!!!!!!! Are you gonna do one of those like baby reveals... WAIT CAN I BE THE ONE TO DO YOUR GENDER REVEAL OMG

I had to calm her down so that no one else could hear her.
E: Tessa!!!! Shhhhhhh.... Calm down baby T. 
T: I'm sorry! I'm just so excitedddddd

We both were at this point, whisper yelling.
E: Okay so, first off, I'm about three weeks. I haven't told anyone except you and kind-of Jake, so If i do a pregnancy reveal, it wont be until much later.. And yes, you can host my gender reveal party.

Tessa smiled so big, which made me smile.
T: Okay, finish up with Joseph and come downstairs I think people are going to start arriving soon.
E: Alright.. And T!?
T: Yes?
E: Please don't tell anyone.
T: Dont worry pickle, your secret is safe with me.

She turns to Joseph and scoops down to his level.
T: See you outside my little man!

She hugs him, and he wraps his arms around her tight.
After I finish getting Joseph ready, we both walk downstairs and Team 10 and all the families are here.
I put Joseph down and he goes straight for Tony and Chance.
I walk over to Jake, who doesn't look to happy.  He wraps his arm around me and whisper in my ear..
J: I didn't know your little boyfriend was coming

He walked away before I could say anything. All i could think to myself was "what the hell?"
Was he seriously mad about the fact that Anthony, Josephs favorite Team 10 member, was here? And was he seriously going  to annoy me about it all day?
My mind was interrupted by the door bell. I go over to it and grab Jake's hand on the way there so that we could both greet people.
J: By the way you're outfit is crazy hot. A lot of boys will be drooling.

I just roll my eyes as a response. As I open the door I see a big group of people and notice that it's Jake's brother Logan and his posse.  I smile and hug everyone. This was the first time i had met Logan in person so I introduced myself and he copied.

He screamed as he examined my body. I smiled because it didn't bother me too much. But only because Jake didn't like the remark. I could feel tension building up between Jake and I so, I planned on using my body today, to my advantage. If Jake was seriously upset about Anthony then I too could be petty.

E: I can't believe this is the first time we're meeting!
L: Me too!

There was a little pause.
L: So can i meet him?
E: Of corse!

I then called out for Joseph and he runs up to Jake and I. I picked him up so he was resting on my hip and was in my arms.
E: Joseph, this is your uncle.. Logan.
Jo: Uncle Logan?
L: Yup that's me!

He opens his arms and Joseph throws himself into Logan's arms. He was smiling and hugging logan.
Logan ran to the backyard with Joseph and everyone followed. Jake pulled me back by my arm and looked at me.
J: Don't get any ideas about my brother. We aren't close for a reason.
E: What do you mean 'don't get any ideas'
J: Just incase you were thinking about anything. To do with logan-
I pull my arm away and roll my eyes. I just walk back to the party.
More and More people showed up. A little more than we expected.
Joseph was 'flirting' with a couple of girls. He would put his arm around them or kiss their cheek. It was cute but, i thought to myself.. My baby is growing up too fast.
We had a great time at the party. Besides Jake's jealousy and some of logan's sexual remarks, i had a great time. We played the games, opened presents, and ate cake.
After everyone left, it was about 8 pm. I put Joseph to bed and hopped in the shower.

When i got out and dried off, i walked over to the bed and saw Jake...

Big chapter guys.. Little bit of DRAMA!! Rik is pregnant, Logan's in the picture, tony's back in action and Jakes feeling a little jealous... Don't forget to vote and comment!!!

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