Chapter 16- Just a Kiss.

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Jakes POV-
Once we got to Erika's apartment, both Joseph and Erika got excited.
I wanted to come, incase anything went down, or Anthony tried anything. 
We pulled up and I grabbed Joseph from his car seat in the back. I met Erika in the front of the car and grabbed her hand. She smiled and we walked up to the apartment.
I knocked on the door and soon Anthony opened up.


Anthony got on his knees and hugged Joseph tight. Joseph ran to his old room and Erika opened her arms. Anthony hugged her and they hugged for a few minutes.
I cleared my throat so that they could pull away. They did.
He approached me and we do one of our old handshakes.
Things were still a bit awkward between Anthony and I, but i tried not to focus on that.. For Erika.

Once we come in, i look around and everything still looks the same.
We sit and talk a bit. After about an hour or two Erika finally gets up off the couch and says we have to go.

E: We should get going.. I have a lot to do for Joseph's party.
A: are you throwing a party?
E: Yes. We don't know what theme but we'll figure it out.

She looks down at me and smiles. I grab her hand and stand up with her.

J: I'll get Joseph.

I walk to Joseph's old room and he was playing with some of his old toys.
J: Ready to go buddy?
Jo: Yes!

He gets up and walks over to me, then grabs my hand.
We walk back to the living room and Joseph screamed.

Both Anthony and Erika jump back and look at each other. Then Erika looks at me speechless. I was on the verge of crying.
I picked up Joseph and walked out of the apartment.
We got in the car and i strapped Joseph in. I walked into the driver seat, and left. Without Erika.
Jo: Daddy where mommy? Why she kiss Anthony?
J: I don't know baby. She stayed there. We are going to see grandma Pam, okay?
Jo: Okay daddy.
J: Love you Joseph.
Jo: I love you too daddy.

My mom moved out here with me a little bit after I had left Ohio with her new boyfriend. I drove to her house and got down with Joseph.

P: Hey my two favorite boys! What's the surprise about?
J: Mom, I know it's last minute, but i need a babysitter for a couple of days.
P: Joseph, why don't you go get a snack with your grandpa?
Jo: Okay grandma!
P: Jake whats going on?
J: Erika was kissing Anthony today. And both Joseph and I walked in in them. He started asking question, and i...

I start crying. My heart was hurting and i just wanted to be alone.
My mom hugged me and rubbed my back.
J: I'm sorry mom.. I'll take Joseph, i was just feeling-
P: No no. He's going to stay with me. You have to find Erika and talk about this. You can't just give up.

I was still in tears. I just nodded my head and hugged my mom one last time. Then i headed towards the tesla. I drove all the way home and went up to my room.
Erika was there.
I just walked to my bathroom ignoring her.

E: Jake, we need to talk.

She said as she followed me.

J: Not in the mood to talk to you Erika.
E: Well, we need too.
J: ..
E: Wheres Joseph?
J: With my mom.
E: What?! Why? You didn't even ask me?!
J: He's my son too Erika. Not everything I do needs your approval. Your just a girlfriend.
E: It does need approval when it's about Joseph.

I paused. I looked at her and my body felt hot.

J: You know what he asked me Erika? He asked me why his mother was kissing another guy? Why was she kissing Tony? Do you know how that'll effect him? He's gonna see you as nothing but a cheater.
E: Jake, you don't even know what happened. How do you know he didn't kiss me? You don't. You're just making assumptions. Now how about asking me what happened?
J: I don't care about what happened. I saw what I saw, and that's it.
E: Are you kidding me? It was just a kiss.
J: Oh yeah?

I was furious. I grabbed Erika's hand and took her to Tessa's room. We were both standing outside her door.
I knocked on the door and yelled out for Tessa. She opened the door and when she did, I kissed her. I kissed her, right in front of Erika. Tessa pulled back very confused.
T: Jake.. What the hell?
E: Really? That's how you're gonna go about this?
J: Yeah, Erika. It was just a kiss.

I said mocking her. I stormed  to the office room and slammed the door.

Erika's POV-
Jake just kissed Tessa right in front of me. Earlier Jake walked in on Tony and I kissing.
But it wasn't like that at all.


Jake went in the room to get Joseph and i stayed, saying bye to Anthony.

E: Well this was nice. I hope you change your mind about moving back in the t10 house.
A: I don't know.. You really want me too?
E: Yes, i miss you.

I grabbed his hand and smiled, in a friendly way.
Just then Anthony leaned in for a kiss. I didn't kiss back at first, but then i did. I don't know why, it just happened.

End of flashback.

Tessa cut my thought process.

T: What the hell was that?
E: He's trying to prove a point.
T: I'm sorry E. I didn't kiss back, if-
E: I know T. Thank you for that.

I went to hug her and then went back to Jake and I's room.
I cried all night. It was about 11 pm when i finally heard Jake come in the room. I stopped crying and tried hard to fall asleep, but i couldn't.

GUYS DONT HATE ME! Everything I do, in this book has a purpose. Thanks for reading guys!!! Keep on voting and commenting. Love y'all!

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