Chapter 4- I love her..

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Erika's POV-
Jake has been spending the night the past few days. Him and Joseph have gotten way close.
Joseph says 'dada' now. It's cute because every time he does Jake smiles. It melts my heart.
Today he invited Joseph and I to the Team Ten mansion.
I'll admit i'm a bit nervous to see everyone again.
I was laying in bed along side Jake who was still sleeping.
I wanted to get up and get Joseph ready for the day but as soon as I was going to get up from bed, Jake pulled me back in.
J:Stay baby

I grinned and kissed his cheek. He hadn't opened his eyes.
Just then we heard Joseph.

Jo: Mama Dada mama
J: I'll get him.

Jake gets up and goes to get Joseph from his crib. When they get back Joseph is giggling and Jake has him in an "airplane" position.
When Joseph saw me he quickly yelled.
E: Aw, my baby! Come here

Jake lets him down and he runs towards me. He struggles to get on the bed but Jake helps him up.
Jo: tank you dada
J: No problem bud.

Jake goes around and lays back in his spot. He puts his arm around my waist and Joseph is sitting on my stomach.
Jo: No dada mine mama
J: She's yours?

Joseph nods, while pouting.
J: She's my mommy too Joseph
Jo: No! Mine mama.

He pulls Jakes arm off of my waist and pouts.
Jo: Dada no!!
J: But i love her Joseph.
E: You do?

I look at Jake in the eyes. He looks up at mine.

J: Yeah i do Rik.

Flashbacks from Highschool came to my mind when he called me rik. I missed that.
E: I love you too Jake.

Jake leans in and i do too and his lips smash on mine. We kissed only for about a second before Joseph pushed us apart.
E: Joseph baby, you have to share with daddy.
Jo: No my mama
J: If you share mommy with me i'll make you chocolate pancakes!

Joseph nodded his head. And smiled. He jumped into Jakes arms.
Jake picked him up and walked around the bed over to me.
J: We are gonna make breakfast for mommy, right bud?

Joseph put his index fingers in his mouth, smiled and nodded his head.
Jake bend down to kiss me and Joseph did too.
Jo: bye-bye mama
E: Bye baby!

Thirty minutes later Jake called me down. I had showered and changed. I also did my hair and makeup since we were going to see everyone today.
J: Woah, damn.
Jo: damn

Jake and i look at Joseph. We try not to laugh but we do.
Joseph opens his arms and i pick him up and take him to the table. si put him in his high chair and put him in between Jake and I.
J: So are you ready?
E: For?
J: Seeing everyone again..
E: Oh yeah. I mean i'm a bit nervous.
J: Babe.

He put his finger under my chin to lift my face up.
J: There's nothing to worry about. You're just as perfect now as you were back then.
E: Yeah, but i remember they all hated Alissa after she broke your heart...

Jake looked down and seemed like he wanted to cry.
E: I don't want them to hate me Jake.
J: They won't Erika. If they do then, they can leave.
I kissed his lips. He kissed back and held my face in his hands.
We finished eating and Jake and Joseph had to get ready.
E: I'll get Joseph ready, you can shower in my room.
J: Alright babe.

He goes to get ready and comes back to Joseph's room in 25 minutes.
E: God, you're so hot.

Jake smiles, and blushes. 
J: you're hotter.

He comes behind me and wraps his arms around my waist and lays his chin on my shoulder. He pulls me closer to him and i could feel his friend through both of our pants. I was quickly turned on but he pulled away.
J: are we ready?
E: as we will ever be, right baby?

I look over at Joseph who was nodding and smiling.
J: Lets go!

We get in the car and drive to Calabasas.
We pull into the house, my mouth drops as i see the mansion. It was big and white. Cars everywhere.
Joseph points at this figure that's right in the middle of the driveway.
Joseph: What that dada?
J: What baby?
Jo: dat!

He points at the figure again.
J: That's bob
Jo: B-bob?
J: Yup.

Joseph throws his hands up and yells.

Jake pulls in and takes Joseph out the car. He walks over and grabs my hand.
Once we get it he takes us to the living room.
Then he screams..


I hear footsteps coming from every way possible. Everyone enters the room and they all see me.
Then look over at Jake holding Joseph.

SORRY FOR LATE UPLOAD GUYS! Next chapter will contain lots of drama, and maybe a smut?? ILY GUYS! Thanks you all who followed me to this book from hanging out. Means a lot!

Part 2: Reconnected? Where stories live. Discover now