Chapter 28- Morning Sickness

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Jakes POV-
I grabbed Erika's hand and took her to the bathroom. She straddled her arms around me from behind, pulling me back a little. I turn around and kiss her lips softly.
I pull away and walk over to the shower. On my way I pull my shirt off over my head. When I get in I start the shower and wait for the water to get hot.
Erika strips down to her black EDB Sports bra and panties, before I could look back.
When I saw her my eyes lit up. She looked so hot.
She was sitting on her vanity table and motioned with her index finger, for me to come close to her.
I walk in between her legs and kiss her lips. She pulls back and looks down.

E: so.. another baby in the house.. a chessa baby?
J: oh, i know right. out of no where. good for them though.
E: your happy about it.

I run my finger up the side of her body as I listen to her talk.
J: are you not?

I say in a calm voice. She doesn't talk at all. I look at her and her head is still looking down. She's cute when she's jealous.
J: is someone jealous??
E: no- in not jealous.

I leave to turn the shower off because I know we aren't getting in anytime soon. I walk back to Erika and lift her chin up with my finger and peck her lips.
J: Hey, maybe this isn't our time. We shouldn't try for something, that isn't right for us.
E: i thought you wanted another baby? You told me-
J: i wouldn't mind one. But maybe we shouldn't try to have one, and just let it come when it's time..
E: so your saying that you don't want one now?
J: I'm saying.. we can have all the sex we want. And if god wants to give us a baby, then so be it. If we don't get pregnant.. then that's fine too.

I pulled her close and start kissing her neck.
E: So... whatever happens, happens?
J: Exactly.
E: Mmmm okay *moans*

I grab Erika's ass and pull her to the edge of the table. I can feel the sexual tension rise. Erika starts moaning with only my kisses.
J: beg for it

I stumble to say in between giving her hickeys.
E: i want *moans* you in *moans* me right now *moans* daddddddy.
I pull my shorts and boxers down just a bit so that I can pull my boner out.
Erika pulls her panties off and throws them to the side.
I rub myself against Erika and notice that she's super wet and I moan.
E: ooou daddy

I smirk. Still tracing her with my boner
E: daddy *moans* don't tease me-

Before she could finish I slam into her. I pull out and then slowly enter in her giving her every inch I have.
Her moan is soft and long.
E: faster baby

Once I give her my full length slowly I place my hands on her hips and start thrusting in her full speed. We both grunt and scream out.
E: i want all of *moans* you in me faster

I look down while thrusting in her making sure that I give her my full.
She's screaming out "faster" and "yes daddy"
E: daddy i-

She came all over my dick and I pull out slowly giving her, her last moan.
E: holy fuck

She says not breathing right. Her breathing was heavy and she could barley talk. She even had her hand over her chest trying hard to catch it.
E: babe you didn't finish.

I smirk and pull my shorts up to my waist and kiss Erika's forehead.
J: follow me.

I leave to the bed and Erika comes after me. I lay on my back and pull her on top of me.
J: help me finish princess.

She flashes a smile and licks her lips. I put a piece of her hair behind her ear and pull her down for a kiss. We make out for a bit with her grinding me making grow. She leaves a trail of kisses down my body.
Once she's there, she pulls out my boner and starts to wrap her soft lips around it. I moan.
J: mmm rik yes

She starts sucking and taking in as much as she can.
I place one hand in her hair and the other is gripping the sheets.
She sucks me for another three minutes until I cum in her mouth.
She licks all the way you my body to my lips. She bites my lip and we kiss again.
E: I'll be right back... I need a drink.

She smirks and puts on my shirt to go downstairs
When she returns she had a bottle of liquor. We both giggle and drink.
E: Round 2?

—————— Next morning ————
Erika's POV-
I woke up very sick. I went to the restroom and threw up.
I guess Jake heard me because he came in and asked if I was okay.
J: baby, you okay?
E: yeah.. just a little sickness..
J: like....

We both look at each other
E: postmates me a couple of test

Jake runs to get his phone and he orders three pregnancy test.
I take a shower in the mean time and Jake joins me.
We both shower and get out. I put on shorts and a cropped hoddie. Jake had his red JP joggers on and was about to put on a gray team ten shirt before I stopped him.
J: what?
E: i like you shirtless better 😏
J: ditto.

I laugh and He proceeds to put the shirt on.
J: I'll wait downstairs for the test, you wake up Joseph and get him ready for school.
E: Okay baby.
J: No!
E: huh?
J: i like when you call me daddy better 😏

I laugh and slap his chest playfully.
He walks downstairs and I wake Joseph up and get him ready for school.
As I was doing his hair Jake walks in the restroom with the test..
J: take them now and when we come back from dropping him off we can see the results.

I nod my head and take the tests.
Jake finished getting Joseph ready and we left to drop him off at school.
Once we get back Jake grabs my hand and we walk upstairs..
j: are you ready for this?

I nod my head and smile biting my lip.
When we walked into the restroom to read the results we found out we were.....

DID SHE GET WHAT SHE WANTED??? guys I'm ending the book at chapter 30. I will immediately start a new Jerika book right after ((((: I hope you all follow me to the new book! WHO ELSE IS EXCITED FOR "Jerika Vs" SERIES?!?!?! TODAYS WAS SO FUNNY AND CUTE ... Anyways thanks for all the support. Ily babes.

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