Chapter 3- Stay, Please..

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Erika's POV-
I went straight home that night and made Joseph some mac n cheese instead. I didn't eat. I felt sad. Meeting Jake like that, so fast.. I lost it.
After I put Joseph to sleep in his room, I sat on the couch and cried.
All my emotions started coming back. Two years ago i hated him.. For no good reason. I stormed out of his house, his life because of my pregnancy hormones. I regret it. I regretted it so much. And thinking about it made it hurt so much more.

*****Next day***
I hear a knock at my door so i get up and go over to open it. Before i do I check myself in the mirror i had right next to the door and pushed up my boobs a little. I wasn't expecting anyone, but you never know. I opened the door and saw Jake standing there.
E: Jake what are you doing here..
J: Erika, Please. I just want to talk.
E: How'd you find me?
J: ... Nevermind that.

I look back to make sure Joseph was taking his nap. I step outside with him and cross my arms.
J: Erika, it's been two years. I miss you. I miss you so much. And i've tried looking for you. I called you everyday since then. I've texted you everyday. Never got a response. I thought you might've changed your number.
E: I did.
J: Erika I'm sorry.

He starts to tear up. And it makes me emotional.
E: Jake, Why are you apologizing?
J: For making you mad. Letting you leave. Not trying to stop you. But the other day, when i ran into you at Kroger, I lost it. I couldn't let you go again. I had to find you.

I opened my door and gestured my hand so that Jake could walk in. He did and we both sat on the couch.
J: So this is where you live?
E: Yup.
J: I saw you on a VS commercial the other day.. Actually it was when we saw eachother.. I sent you a message on instagram.
E: Must've not seen it. Sorry.
J: It's.. fine..

My stomach started getting butterflies. Jake was talking and talking and all i could do was stare at his lips. and his arms. He had sweet lips, i remembered them as if i kissed them yesterday.
He interrupts my thought..
J: Erika?
E: Hmm? Yeah, sorry what's that?
J: I said, what have you been up to besides modeling.
E: Just being a mom really.

The room gets awkward. Tension was in the air. And Joseph starts crying.
E: Let me get him.

I leave to the room and Joseph is crying but with his eyes closed.


i quickly get his bottle and hand it to him. He stops fussing.
I walk back into the living room.
E: He just wanted a bottle.
J: So...
E: Do you want to meet him?
J: Who?
E: Joseph, Jake... Your son.

His eyes grew wide and he swallowed hard.
E: Or maybe another time? Anyways, how've you been? What are you doing now?
J: Uhm.. I'm the CEO of Team Ten. We got pretty big in youtube, twitter and instagram.
E: That's cool. Who's all in it?
J: Well lets see... Chance, Anthony, Chad, Kade, Martinez twins, and Tessa.

He did take Tessa in. That's why I was mad at him? I honestly don't care about it anymore.

Jake and I talked all night and I think i started catching feeling again. He was very flirty all night too. We talked about old times, memories, and just everything. I laughed all night. It was like we had never left eachother ever.
By the end of the night, Jake and I were cuddling watching movies.

J: It's getting pretty late.. I should get going?
E: You sure you don't want to stay one more movie?
J: Do you want me to stay?

I nod my head and bit my lip.
J: Fine I'll stay.
E: Yay! Let me change into something comfier and i'll let you pick the movie.

When I came back Jake had a scary movie popped in.
I had booty shorts on and a crop top.
E: Ready?
J: Yup.

I get under the blankets and snuggle into Jakes chest. He puts his arm around me and lays his head on mine.
J: I've really missed this Erika.
E: Me too Jake.

We watch the movie, and towards the end, there was a jump scare. I jump and quickly grab the remote to turn it off.
J: Aww come on! Now i won't know who dies last!!

I look at him and smile.
J: Well I should go.

He gets up from the couch.. I pull him back down by his wrist and kiss him.

    ⚠️⚠️⚠️ SEXUAL CONTENT ⚠️⚠️⚠️

Jakes POV-
Erika started making out with me and i didn't hesitate to kiss back. We were sitting on her couch and she pulled me to her bedroom.
She threw me on the bed and started taking my pants off. I did her a favor and pulled off my shirt as she was doing that.
She stripped down and was in her cute matching Calvin Klein set. She climbed on top of me and started making out with me again.
She starts running her fingers through my hair and then moves her hand down to my friend.
She starts to stroke me and I moan. She smiles as she's sucking my neck. I flip her over and start giving her  hickeys.
She moans out as I'm making out with her neck.

Just then Joseph starts crying.
I get off of Erika, get changed, and lay on her bed as she went to go see what's was the matter.

When she walked back in, she had the baby in her arms.
E: Jake meet Joseph, Joseph meet... your daddy.

She hands him to me and he immediately starts laughing. My heart starts warming up, and I play with him until he falls asleep next to me.
J: I should get going Rik.
E: Wait Jake.. Stay, please. With me.

I sit back down at the edge of her bed and she walks in between my legs. I rest my hands on her hips.
E: God I've missed you.

She bends over and kisses me roughly.

Okay, so i'm thinking of waiting a little until they actually get back together.. Sorry for suspense & Hope this one is a little longer(; . THANK YOU GUYS FOR ALL THE SUPPORT YOU GIVE ME! I couldn't do this with out y'all! We really are the strongest team out here 😁

Part 2: Reconnected? Where stories live. Discover now