Chapter 8- Pissed

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Erikas POV-
I've been vlogging for a month now. I have over a million subs thanks to Jake.
And this past month has been crazy. I've realized a lot of things.
For one, Tessa is definitely still in love with Jake.. I think. I'm like 89% sure.
Secondly, I think Anthony is starting to catch feelings for me again.. We've became close friends again. We were like best-friends in high school, so it was nice to have him back.
And finally, Joseph was catching on to the lingo in the team ten house. He's said "shit" and "ass" at least four times this week.
Jake came up to me with his vlog camera and pointed it at me.

J: Hey good looking.

I smile.
E: Heeeeeey.
J: Watcha thinking about?
E: Oh you know... just YOU.

Jake blushes and pecks my lips.
J: Wheres Joseph? I want to do a skit with him.

He says looking over the footage he had just got of me.
E: Oh yeah, we need to talk about something later.
J: Good or bad?
E: Bad.
J: Uh-oh.. What did i do?

He looks up at me and focuses his eyes on mine.
E: It's not about you.. I think.
J: Ummm... O-kay...
E: Yeah, i'll see you later.

I kiss him lightly in the lips and walk towards the living room. Almost everyone was in there.

Tony: Hey Rik.
Erika: Hey what are y'all doing?
Tony/Chance: We're editing a vlog.
Tessa: Same.
Nick: I'm doing business emails
Chad: I'm thinking of fun vlog ideas.
Erika: Oh, that's cool. Can i ask y'all something?
t10: Sure.
Erika: Okay, how do you think i'm doing so far.. On vlogging?
Tony: Let me just say, you're killin the game
Tessa: Yeah pickle, you grew so fast!
Chance: You're content is funny. Not too girly.
Nick: Numbers are amazing.
Chad: Yeah girl. You AINT HIT.

I raise my eyebrow at chad.
E: I still have no idea what that means... But really? Thanks guys.

I put my han over my heart. Then Joseph runs over to me and wraps himself around my leg.

Joseph: Momma momma! Daddy is crazy

I pick him up and put his hair, that's growing so fast, (like Tydus) begins his ear.
E: Why baby?
Jo: He scary as shit
E: Joseph!
Jo: Whaaa mama he is!

I look over at Team 10 who were just as shocked as I was.
E: I'll be back guys.
t10: Okay.

I go up to the room and call out for Jake.

E: Jake! Jake?!
J: Yeah?
E: Can you come up to the room please.
J: Yeah, just a second.

I wait for him and I put Joseph on the bed. Shortly as free Jake comes in and closes the door.

J: What's up?
E: Someone has a potty mouth. And he's been using it a lot lately.
Jo: I have potty mouth?
J: What do you mean? He's been saying bad words?
E: Yup. He just said "S-H-I-T " right in front of me.

Jake raised his eyebrow and looked at Joseph. He placed his hands on my hips and moved me aside so that he could be in front of Joseph.
I just daily beside them both.

J: Listen buddy. It's not okay to say bad words, especially at your age.
E: Who's teaching you these bad words baby?
Jo: It-It Tessa

I looked at Jake. He pulls his eyebrows close together in confusion.

J: Alright buddy, just don't say them alright?

Joseph nods his head. Jake carries Joseph off the bed and Joseph runs off to the rest of the team. Jake sits next to me.

J: He must've picked it up from the boys.
E: He literally just said Tessa taught him..
J: He doesn't know.  He's a kid.
E: Why are you sticking up for her Jake?
J: Erika, don't make this into something it's not.
E: Whatever Jake.

I get up and walk back to the living room.
E: Hey Chanthony can you help me with a vlog?
C&A: Yeah, sure Rik!
E: Well really, i only need one of you..
A: I'll help. What's up Rik.

I've been wanting to do a prank on Jake, for my channel. For a while now. But today he ticked me off so i was gonna push it one step forward. And maybe cross the line a little. I didn't care though. I was mad.
I wanted to do a cheating prank on Jake. Maybe a hickey prank. I had ordered this suction cup thingy off of instagram and it was perfect for the Job. I needed someone to help me film and get different shots of Jake.
I explained how i was going to give myself hickeys and needed a camera man. Anthony was so down.

E: Great! Now i just need footage of me giving myself hickeys, incase he doesn't believe me.
Tony: This is risky Rik. He's not gonna like this one.

Just then Jake walked in.

J: Who's not gonna like what?

Jakes POV-
I walk into the kitchen to see Erika and Tony there alone. They were talking about someone being mad about something. I've been seeing them together a lot lately. I'm kinda jealous, but i don't wanna jump to conclusions.

J: Who's not gonna like what?
E: Oh nothing.
A: I'll just be going.. Wait Erika, When do you need my help with the video?
E: tomorrow would be great. Please?
A: Yup no problem. Night y'all.
E: Night Tony

Tony leaves and I just stare at Erika, who's avoiding me.

J: What video?
E: Just some video i need help with.
J: Why can't Tessa help you? Or another girl..
E: Because Jake, I trust Anthony.
J: You don't trust me?
E: It's just to get some shots for me. He's not going to be in my video... Why do you care?

I started to get pissed off.
E: Okay, one.. Don't yell at me, and two; you don't act like my boyfriend when you're out kissing Tessa.
J: What are you talking abo-

She was referring to the time Tessa kissed me right before she moved in.

J: Are you serious Erika.

She just poured her lips and shrugged her shoulders.
I didn't want to fight here so I grab Joseph and walk up to our room. Pissed.

DRAMA DRAMA DRAMA ! HAHA HERES A CHAPTER FOR YALL! Ily guys. I'm feeling A LOT better so i will be uploading more! (:

Part 2: Reconnected? Where stories live. Discover now